Monday, 27 April 2020

Just another day

Hello Guys and Gals. I thought it was going to be a wet weather day today, after the rain yesterday, but it wasn't. It started gloomy but brightened up, and the sun came out. I thought I had better get my walk in early, just in case the rain came down again. It didn't and I had a lovely walk. Same route as normal, past the windfarm. I made a couple of videos but have deleted them, they were rubbish. So here is the one photo I took. Activity at one of the turbines, zoomed in because they are a fair distance away. The blades were hardly moving as there was no wind. 
Big open spaces again, seems Monday morning is a good time to go for a walk. Didn't see anybody. Sat on a bench and ate my buttered hot cross bun, which was actually a cold cross bun. 
My lunch today. I steamed extra potatoes yesterday so today I put them in a pan with some mushrooms and some whole grain rice which I opened a couple of days ago. I get three portions out of a packet, it's fine stored in the fridge. When it was cooked I broke an egg into it. Served with iceberg lettuce.

I've given up cooking rice from scratch, this is more convenient when I want a quick meal. Aldi have quite a good selection now.

Only three days left till the end of April, then it's check in time for the walking group members. This month has flown by. I don't think we will be forgetting April 2020 in a hurry.
Nothing else to report, hello to the new followers, thanks for popping in. I'll sign off. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. That looks nice good Ilona.Mine is getting a bit odd.Been locked in too long.I had pasta and onions,carrots and cheese and gravy added.It was edible but not great.A policeman told me that I can go out for a drive and walk but as long as it's a longer walk than the drive to get there and he said I must not have a picnic x

    1. It would be daft to have a full blown picnic. A snack and a drink in a bag is more discrete. Eat it in your car if you don't want to be seen sitting on a bench.

  2. It's been lovely and sunny here today and up to 12C so quite warm! I headed out to the subway - just one long stop - but its uphill and my knee has been complaining) - into the Pharmacy to pick up a few things and hit the Post Office counter to pick up some packages from Amazon.

    Walked home and it was lovely to see the Spring flowers coming up. There were more people around than I'd have liked but everyone tried to give each other a wide berth when passing (but still saying Good Morning) so it was a pleasant walk home. The rest of the week is to be rainy and miserable so that will keep folks indoors!

  3. I like the rice, seed and grain packets Aldi do, they're great with done veg added.

    1. Yes, and very convenient. Different flavours too.

  4. I didn't know about the Seeds of Change grains at Aldi so will be trying these out when I next go to Aldi. Which might be quite a while yet. So many thanks for this

  5. I was interested in your comment about getting three portions from a packet of rice. Are you talking about microwave rice packets? I've always been wary of storing cooked rice but if using part of the packet is ok that would be good because a whole packet is too much for one person. Keep up the good work. Regards Angela

    1. Yes, a packet of pre cooked rice, as in the picture. The whole bag can be put in the microwave as it is, it takes two minutes. I cut the top off with a pair of scissors, get out one portion with a spoon, squeeze the packet to get the air out, and roll the top down, put a clothes peg on it and store it in the fridge.

      I mostly add this to something else I am cooking, usually something in a pan. It can be added to stir fry, it can be boiled, or microwaved. Cooking times 2 - 4 minutes, make sure piping hot. I usually use a packet over three days, would be ok for four days.

  6. We have a few more people out and about, driving. We went to a drive by birthday party for a young lady who is out of quarantine, since her husband had covid-19 then she got it but she didn't know she had it. Her husband had it worse but they were all at home. Now able to be out. It was good to see them thru the drive by. Megan came with me and we sang Happy Birthday to her and dropped off a gift for her, which included a big cookie I made with MnMs on it as a face! I will show that on my blog post soon. Working on it this evening. Cheerio!!!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.