Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Wide berth

Good morning. We were up early. Mayze slept with me on the bed last night. Oscar came in late and headed upstairs to bed, but I had to stop him because Mayze was already there. They still don't get on, but that's Mayze's fault, she was here first so she likes to think she is the boss of the household. Oscar slept on a chair in the living room. 
Looks like it's going to be another nice day, I like waking up with the sunshine streaming in, it makes me feel invigorated and ready for another new day. 
Yesterday I did one of my five mile walks out into the countryside. Must take every opportunity to get some sunshine on my body. There are some lovely trees in full blossom at the moment.
Walking along a track alongside the turf fields, I saw a rainbow. The spray from that water fountain projects it a long way. I could feel the mist landing on my head from quite a distance away. Had to wait for the whirly thing to change direction.

Aaahhh, there it is, I knew I saw a rainbow.

Oh dear, here we go again. Another fresh pile of garbage dumped in the ditch. The farmer has dug this out to assist the free flow of water from the top of the fields down to the river. Now the drainage is blocked by mostly empty beer bottles and other household rubbish. The trouble is that the tarmac access road to the windfarm has no barriers because farmers need to drive their equipment up and down. People come late at night and use it as a dumping ground. 
There was a slight breeze yesterday but still warm. Ideal conditions for a walk. The only thing which spoilt it was coming across a group of young men blocking the tarmac track having a kickabout with a football. Another consequence of not having gates. There must have been about twelve of them, and four parked cars. I approached with caution, a walker coming towards me five minutes earlier had warned me about them. He said he had walked through them. 
I had two options, avoid them by walking across a field to my right, giving them a wide berth, but that wasn't fair to flatten the newly seeded and growing crop. There was no way I was going to walk through the men, no thank you, I don't want to be anywhere near them. So I veered off to the left and went into the woods, scrambling over brambles. It's a good job I had trousers on and not my shorts which I had on last week. I continued through the woods until I was well past them, then came back down onto the track again. 
No they are not supposed to be meeting up for a football game, but what can you do, it is happening all over the place. All I can do is keep well clear of them. As I came towards the end of the tarmac  track a tractor came by me towing a machine. He was headed that way, so I hope he sorted them out. 
Now it's time for breakfast, porridge I think will do nicely. A trip to town is needed sometime this week, I will make a third attempt to go to the bank. That will happen maybe tomorrow or Thursday. All this planning is giving me a headache. I like to do things on the spur of the moment, but now some thought has got to be put into where we can go, and the best day and time to do what we need to do. 
Tattybyes for now. ilona


  1. Such a shame that people cannot take there rubbish home. That was a lovely rainbow and the blossom was a nice sight. My damson tree lost its blossom last week but the apple tree is just starting to some alive, my Son cut a lot of branches of last year so I don't expect to get many apples this year.
    Carry on enjoying the sunshine Ilona.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

    1. I think dumping rubbish in the countryside is getting worse. Some of the tips are closed. Disgusting behaviour.

  2. We've got cherry blossom starting to come out in our backgreen, the scent is lovely. Am just beginning to get out a bit now round the local neighbourhood; no cars, a few walkers and loads of birdsong - lovely!

    1. I have noticed a lot more birdsong in my garden, and when I am walking around the village at dusk.

  3. The blossom on the tree is gorgeous Ilona. I love this time of year. It's disgusting that someone is dumping rubbish in the ditch and whoever owns the land must be furious, rightly so too. Annoying that the men were blocking your way too...very thoughtless and antisocial. Stay safe.

    1. I was quite annoyed that they had spoilt my walk, but decided not to challenge them. I didn't want to become embroiled in an argument.

  4. I'm looking forward to blossoms and green growth. Surely as we head into May I'll see more n my area.

    1. The woods have a lovely green carpet at the moment, plenty of wild garlic about.

  5. Lovely photos again Ilona and I love the rainbow!It was so inconsiderate of them guys playing football and you were wise to give them a wide berth.It seems as though certain people are still taking no notice and it infuriates me!.Because of people like that this situation will go on longer..but they aint bothered because it isnt making any difference to their lives.The weather is lovely here too and we have spent quite alot of it in the garden.My Daughter left 2 boxes of chocolates at my door this morning as a treat for me and my Mam,so I am going to have a couple tonight..I will make them last though!.Stay safe and thanks again for doing your great post!,xxx

    1. My chocolate treat has to be the smallest bar I can find, because I am a pig and would scoff a whole box of chocolates in one go. Enjoy.

  6. Hi Ilona, I've been killing some time reading back through some of your older blog posts, great reading. I see that some time ago you visited Saltaire, I work there and am missing my lunchtime walks along the canal bank. Keep up the great work, your blog is fascinating. Best regards, Neil.

    1. I love Saltaire, been three times now. Hope I can visit again one day.

  7. Elaine (Oldham)21 April 2020 at 16:53

    Lovely photos - there is a blossom tree in full bloom near me which I always like to stand under as it looks like a pink bubbly cloud when I look up through it.

    I saw a man today checking the pavements and collecting the dogends of discarded cigarettes to smoke. Not a nice thing to do at the best of times but with all that is going on it made me feel very queasy.
    Elaine (Oldham).

  8. The rainbow is amazing and love the blossom trees that are in bloom at the moment very pretty.

  9. I agree with your statement that everything takes such planning now. I have what looks to be a delicious broccoli and apple salad. But because I've already done my shopping for the week, I won't be able to shop again until next week. I guess at least that give me something to look forward to!

  10. I love that rainbow - it looks like a prism. I agree with you about not finding it easy to do banking - I am nearly out of cheques, and have to pay one in, but I can't do that as I am supposed to be Self Shielding, so I'll have to set up internet banking with the help of my daughter.

    We had a lovely local walk yesterday - lots of bluebells out, which lifted our spirits.

    1. I've just been trying to find out what time my bank is open tomorrow. Doesn't say so I will ring them in the morning. I have found out that I can do some of my banking at a Post Office, deposits and withdrawals. I will check with our pop up Post Office in the morning. Not sure if they will be able to do what I want, but worth asking. What a palaver.

  11. It's great that you are able to enjoy some lovely walks still Ilona.I would have panicked if I had seen those lads,but thank goodness the farmer was around.Hopefully it won't be long now before I can enjoy country walks with my dogs again x

  12. Our bank Lloyds is open 10 til 2 and so is the post office. Also corner shops are cutting their hours here some closing at 5 or 6 instead of 8pm - 10pm Takeaways also have limited their hours due to more daytime trade now people are home all day
    All the best xx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.