Thursday, 23 April 2020

Warning, angry person.

Angry people are everywhere. A post popped up on a textile art page I follow, with a picture of a young lady wearing a pretty dress, holding a felted bag she made. She is wearing a red mask  which matches her boots and coat. Her introduction.....

We need to get used to wearing a face mask!
A gorgeous silk and wool dress with a little scarf and my Colourful Landscape pattern bag.

Comment from an angry person...….

NO - we need governments to do their jobs and PROTECT their citizens by coming up with vaccines. A mask is a temporary fix - not a FUCK.I.n.g. fashion accessory.I am so sick of people profiting off a pandemic. Despicable!

Another comment....

Face masks are obligatory in many countries and I would happily pay someone to make one for me, rather than not have one or use up supplies that were better used by healthcare workers. Lighten up 

Where does this end, or is it going to get worse. The young lady is not selling the mask by the way, she is modelling her bag. The photograph was taken in a public place, she is wearing the mask  because she has to.

Going out for a walk. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I get that some may feel it is trivializing by posting a matching scarf, where others see it as making a totally crap situation, well, a bit less crap. I'm in the camp of this absolutely sucks, but let's not get angry at those that are trying to keep their own moral up. We know the world was woefully unprepared-now we need to put politics aside, no one should be covering up and sugar coating and blaming each other-let's just all get to work in our little or big spaces, to help. Whether that is being extra helpful to those still having to work by protecting others by wearing masks, making a fast trip in and out of the store, shopping for our vulnerable members of family and community so they are not exposed, and yes, just also bringing little moments of cheer. I can't create vaccines or treatments, but I can help in my community. Let angry people just get their anger out-maybe that helps them cope.

  2. Our world is surreal and full of opinionated people.

  3. I think people are just finding new places to vent - and often they don't even stop to actually read what is being said. I think this young lady is looking ahead, seeing the inevitable and coming up with a solution - good for her. And if she chose to then sell the masks that would be her business and people could choose to buy or not.
    I know that everyone is more stressed than usually but it does really tend to bring out either the worst or the best in people.
    Yesterday I placed an order for masks and gloves from a company that is now making them here (they did have some medical grade ones but I made a decision not to order those and simply bought 1 box of each of the ones that are being used by the average person in public). More and more places are starting to require that you wear them and the writing is on the wall that they will be required in public as things are eased so just want to be prepared.
    There are only so many places that the average person can order from - and most are backlogged) so that is why I only bought a box of 50 each - I hope that by the time I'm able to go out more often more will be available - at the pharmacies etc.
    I completely agree with the second comment.

  4. Facemasks are reqiured and necessary if you do not want to catch the virus. I do not see anything wrong with anybody making their own, as you have said above, it helps out the already stretched thin medical supplies that are avalible to the ones who Have to be on the front lines, such as nurses, doctors, home health workers, food suppliers, truckers, ect. One tip: you can use coffee filters inside the fabric ones as well for extra protection. Stay safe and unless you need to go out for meds , ect. stay inside for now.

    1. It wasn't me who said make your own so as not to take them from where they are needed most. The comment came from someone else.

  5. Actually, Dana, in our neck of the woods (Colorado and the US), facemasks are not required -- so far. Although they are strongly recommended. Our flights from London to Colorado on Sunday showed approx. 2/3 of the passengers wearing facemasks, but not all of them -- including the plane crew, especially on the London to Newark flight.
    I would also say that frustration with the situation, especially how they're personally affected, is driving these trolls. On the other hand, did the girl post the photo because she was personally concerned about peole wearing facemasks? Naaaahhhh...she was doing a self-promotion. A selfie, showing how cute she looked.
    Anger is a valuable tool for getting things done. But not in this case.
    (Still enjoying reading your blog -- keep showing us all the different sides to the story!)

    1. The girl in the picture was promoting the bags she makes. There was a link to her online shop. I have been out this afternoon and find that her post was taken down, probably due to that sweary comment starting a bun fight. These things escalate.

  6. I live in the US and it is unbelievable how rude some people are on Facebook. My state of Pennsylvania has an order that we must wear a mask to enter any store or be out in public.

  7. I've bought a supply of masks from Amazon for myself. I feel happier and safer wearing one in shops. I think people should cover their faces not only to protect themselves but to avoid passing germs to others. It works both ways x

  8. I am going to wear one each time I go out now but not in my garden at the moment.Mine are homemade but I'm not sure if they are any use but I feel a bit safer anyway but hot x

    1. They have done studies and the homemade ones are effective. Not as good as n95s or p95s, but they do the job they were intended to do, which is to keep your germs to yourself. All face mask are hot, the tighter the seal, the more finely they filter, the hotter they are to wear.

  9. I've made two and if I need to go into any supermarket I will be wearing one. I do feel that any barrier must be better than no barrier. I think it won't be long before we are advised to wear some form of face covering when out in public spaces. Stay safe. x

  10. I wanted to share with you that (and I know you already do it) we all need to look for things to be grateful for at the moment. We are in "lockdown" in New Zealand as we are both over 70 and we are so grateful that we have a grapefruit tree in our garden that is giving us beautiful juicy grapefruit for breakfast almost every day. We also have a walnut tree that is giving us nuts as well. Audrey from New Zealand.

    1. Thank you. Best to keep positive and look for the good around us. Eat those walnuts they are good for you.

  11. you know, the whole mask thing might be iffy too...(and was it pushed to "sell"?)…
    ===first we were told oh no, do not wear a mask
    ----then we were told nurses need mthen, some countries said everyone should wear a mask, but only cloth or homemade, as well, nurses needed the real mask(now before this pronouncement, I saw countless articles fr experts explaining why a cloth mask or possibly even any mask was not only useless, but potentially bad because it trapped particles and they built up...)
    ----now I think we are told to wear only "proper", as in N95 masks...

    and further, I keep reading in headlines that mass antibody tests of say any group of 1000 or more, shows this virus is MUCH more widespread than thought, (like as in fifty per cent may have had it and not know), and so, now they are saying...oh..well...maybe it is not such a problem..

    I agree, govts and experts in all countries are not doing their jobs
    --the "facts" have not been carefully collected and reported...It seems that many official sort of announcements fr both govt and "experts", are sort of scrabbled together and not based on true facts...

    the most recent, for ex, I have over past week seen three different reports that smokers seem to be either more or less immune to COVID, or at least do not get very sick. (now this may not be as crazy as you think...look up smokers/alzheimers and also smokers parkinsons...apparently both conditions very low in smokers...and other stuff too), anyway, read today, that France is now handing out nicotine patches to medical persons and vulnerable persons..

    ---well, I think it is possible (if the smokers get less sick has any basis), that nicotine patches may be useless...the nicotine goes right to the blood/body that way.

    --in a smoker nicotine and lots of guck goes in to the lungs. A smoker's lungs end up coated with God only knows what.
    --in COVID, I keep hearing the death knell is when lungs get torched with COVID..Maybe the fact that smokers get less lung disease, from COVID, is due to their lungs are so coated inside the COVID cannot get a foothold.

    I hope, before they hand out too many nicotine patches, they check with folks who are already using them to see how they fared..

    okay, I am now off my soap box..for a bit.

    1. Thank you for your thoughts. I read that the artist David Hockney, a lifetime smoker now in his eighties, is faring quite well.

    2. Meanqueen...It is interesting re David Hockney....One does wonder...

      and, I appreciate your tolerance in not scrubbing my rant/comment...sigh....Just getting so fed up with so much contradictory "information"....Seems not a day goes by that the local tv or radio doesn't have a new "contradictory" bit..sigh…

      take care, give your critters and extra tummy rub, for me. Missing my dog (gone lots yrs now). Tell you, he was steadfast, and I always new what was what with him, grin..


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