Thursday, 16 April 2020

Fields of yellow

It's been a week since I last did this walk. A lot can happen in a week, the fields are now all yellow, in every direction. Massive, humungous, really big fields of oilseed rape. I like yellow. 
Wide track, easy walking. Two people were coming towards me, I went through the hedge into the next field to avoid them.

I had ten minutes sitting on the bench.

I went to town yesterday. Went to the bank. It was 1pm. When I went last time it was later and I missed them because they closed at 2pm. Today there was a notice on a board outside the door. they are now closing at 12 midday. Missed them again. How flippin annoying. Why do they keep changing the times. Still not been able to pay a cheque into my account, and wasn't able to pay my water bill either. 
I went to our little pop up post office in the church this morning and paid the water bill. The Post Office make a charge for this. Would have been cheaper to send a cheque in the post. 
Two more bills landed on my door mat this morning. Utilities, and Credit Card. Will pay them next week. 
I see we have got more lockdown coming our way. Best get on with it then. More of the same. Gardening, sewing, computering, walking, shopping. 
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Hi there Ilona , Always a delight to read your blog.Hoping you and your happy hoose are all doing well . I wonder if you can help solve the " what was in the pan,which came from a unlabelled can " which had been cooked but put out on the lawn for the wildlife to enjoy .I think it was your blog which posed the question ,but can't find the response .It's a bit of light relief .The answer was to be given at 10pm that night .but I don't recollect which one,and have been looking about for it .Thankyou for taking the time to read this .Take care and all the best .

    1. Sorry, can't help you there. I have no recollection of that.

  2. Well we have just been out on the front clapping and I had got a sparkler left over from about 8 years ago Bonfire night so I lit that and waved that about as well,lol.I knew I would find a use for it at some point!.Lovely photos from your walk.I do love it when you share your walks....Now I have got Fields of Gold by Sting playing in my head,which I dont mind because I love that song!I have got sewing and mending on my plans for tomorrow.I noticed today that I had got a hole in my top,so Im going to sew a few pairs of socks as well.Oh what an exciting life I lead,lol.I have been watching that 99 year old guy doing his walk up and down his garden and him raising 15 million pounds.What a hero!! and it made me cry,bless him...That was annoying getting to the bank and finding it closed.It was the same for my Mam when she went and found out that they closed at 2.She hasnt been out the house since lockdown so she didnt realise that times had altered in places.If Id have known that she was going I would have rang them first but she didnt tell me until she got back!.As always Stay safe,xxx

  3. I can't sleep much at the moment as I can't relax.Today I was throwing toys for the dogs to chase(I throw a couple at a time)but after a while I realised they were just standing watching me running around and picking them up and running around by myself.I then ran back indoors and hurriedly started filling their usual treat trays and I think the dogs are more worried about me going crazy.Hopefully I'll be able to"hold it together"for 3 more weeks but I think I may be barking if it's much longer than that x

    1. Hi flis. Probably stating the obvious here, but animals can pick up on the emotions projected by their owners. You say that you think the dogs are more worried about you going crazy, that is a strong possibility. Stop running around. Slow the pace of life down. Breath, smile, cuddle, whisper sweet nothings to them. Don't give too many treats, you will make them fat, and that will make them depressed.

      Can you take them out a short walk one at a time, on the lead? I know they are used to running free, but they have to learn this new way of living as we all do. Is there someone who can help with the dog walking, close friend. You can't walk together, the friend will have to do it by themselves.

      Can you ring The Samaritans, talking to someone might help you. Keep reading blogs and commenting. Sorry I can't be more help than that. Look after yourself first, the dogs will be fine.

    2. Thank You Ilona-You are right I know and today I have stopped running around crazily and even lily has been happier.I should know about dogs picking up on emotions but I got myself in a bit of a pickle.I've been chatting with a friend for a couple of hours today on the phone and feel more normal again.You are definitely right about the treats as lily has had dreadful wind and diarrhea x

  4. I went to do some banking at the ATM this morning only to discover that I'd left my card at home - I'd taken it out of my wallet to disinfect after the last use and forgot to return it. Luckily I did have my card for the Credit Union Account so still got the money that I wanted. I'll deposit the cheque to the other account on my next walk near to a bank but - might not be until Monday. Luckily I don't actually have to go into the bank because our banks & shops have also altered hours and closing days so it can get a bit confusing.

    1. Hi. It is my reluctance to do online banking which is making things more difficult for me. I have always been able to pay for things with cash, or cheque, and occasionally use a credit card. I have a bank account which incurs no charges, and I pay the credit card off every month, my system suits me. A trip to town when I need to go to the bank can be incorporated into an Aldi shop at the same time. Now it is best not to shop more than I need to so this will cut down the town visits.

      I see some of our shops have closed down permanently, the town may never recover from this. The shops that are open have very restricted access, waiting in turn to enter. The list of what you can and can't buy seems to change almost every day. If you need something you don't know where to go to get it. I refuse to buy online, because I like my trips to town. It connects me with people, now those connections must be severed.

  5. The rapeseed fields are lovely I love yellow such a happy colour. The hayfever is heavy this morning for me.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.