Friday, 17 April 2020

Doesn't seem right somehow.

There are so many inconsistencies about what we can and can't do, where we can go, and can't go. The rules are changing and we have to try and keep up with it all so we don't fall foul of the law. So we do the best for ourselves, and the best for other people. It seems there are differences  in policing depending where you live.

Take a look at this article in The Western Journal, scroll down and watch the video. See how the police look like they have come over from Russia, body armour, puffed up chests full of intimidating electronic gadgets, trousers tucked into boots, look at their clothing. Look at their aggression, look at their anger when confronted by someone who is trying to have a conversation with them. See how they don't practice social distancing as they bear down on the journalist trying to do his job. This is really frightening stuff. I would be crying if anyone spoke to me like that.

Now look at this picture of clapping last night on Westminster Bridge, still taken from a video, it's out there if you want to look for it.

No social distancing there, the police are actually joining in with it. Police vehicles parked all along the roadside, blue lights flashing. looks like a party atmosphere to me. So why aren't they breaking up this crowd and telling them to go home. Different rules for different situations. I can't see this ending well.
Toodle pip.  ilona

PS. I have just found this. Document from the National Police Chiefs Council.
Study it hard, you might be able to enlarge the text, or squint to see it.
There are three columns. Likely to be reasonable, Not likely to be reasonable, and Comments. It covers necessities, exercise, work, and other reasons.

Things which might will affect me.

Including: going for a run or cycle or practicing yoga. Walking in the countryside or in cities. Attending an allotment.
Exercise can come in many forms, including walks. Exercise must involve some movement, but it is acceptable for a person to stop for a break in exercise. However, a very short period of ‘exercise’ to excuse a long period of inactivity may mean that the person is not engaged in ‘exercise’ but in fact something else. NOPE, CAN'T DRIVE FOR FOUR HOURS THEN EXERCISE FOR ONE HOUR THEN DRIVE FOUR HOURS BACK.
It is lawful to drive for exercise.
Driving to countryside and walking (where far more time is spent walking than driving). YEP.

Driving for a prolonged period with only brief exercise.

Stopping to rest or to eat lunch while on a long walk. YES YOU CAN DO THAT.
A short walk to a park bench, when the person remains seated for a much longer period. NOPE> NOT EXERCISE.
Exercising more than once per day - the only relevant consideration is whether repeated exercise on the same day can be considered a ‘reasonable excuse’ for leaving home.

Takes a bit of working out, sorry it's a bit mixed up, that's copy and pasting for you. Refer to the original document.


  1. Like a lot of things, open to different interpretation.

  2. There does seem to be a lot more confusion in the UK as to what is and isn't allowed. Here the goal seems to be to keep us moving - no sitting on benches to chat with others and no sunbathing - at least in public parks - its fine in your own backyard.
    Since I don't drive and I have a park with walking trails right next to my apt. I've just stuck to this area. I'd have to ride the subway for 3 stops to get to another big city park so I've avoided that - and I think it would be deemed unnecessary. I guess the over-riding criteria is - stay home unless its necessary to leave! My longest walks have actually been my couple of trips home from grocery shopping - I have to take the subway 2 stops to get there and then I walk home and it takes me nearly half an hour. But have to say - I'd love a change of scene.
    The police will first give out a warning unless its a major infraction (like a party) then every single person in attendance gets a $1000 fine! Last weekend the mayor was very pleased that only 40 fines were issued in a city of 3 million on a lovely holiday.

  3. Yes it's very confusing, and I have to remember when talking to any of our family that we are in Wales and they are in England ... with totally different rules.

    We cannot drive to any location for exercise or dog walking, it has to begin and end at your own address. Which means we or our dogs cannot go anywhere except our paddock as we are not able to walk them along a main A road with no pavements or verges to get to anywhere where a walk might be allowed. Our usual 'quick walk' is a five minute drive away to a layby with a footpath running from it, we can no longer do this.

    I'm truly missing the fresh sea air of Llandudno prom which is our favourite doggy walk but is a fifteen minute drive away and totally not allowed :-(

    1. I feel your pain. It doesn't make sense that the rules are different for Wales.

  4. It's hard for those who want to walk but can't walk too far at a time, not being allowed to sit and have a breather.
    We have police helicopters coming across...police state anyone?

    1. Here in the UK we are allowed to sit and have a breather, Ilona states that in her blog post. It's the sitting for longer than exercising that isn't encouraged. A rest when walking is allowed.

    2. I have received an email from someone who went a walk along the seafront the other day, and stopped at a bench for a short rest. Immediately they sat down they were asked to move on by two policemen, and threatened they would be fined if they didn't do so. This is two elderly people who have health issues. They now have to look for somewhere else to walk where there are no police.

  5. That's such a helpful link, many thanks, Ilona. I will be reproducing it on my blog with all credit to you (if that's OK, please).

    1. The information is all out there for anyone to read. Your blog, Joy, do what you like.

  6. Not sure if walking to the grocery shop and home actually counts as exercise or whether you can come home with shopping then go for a walk to the park later as well?

    1. I think you can do both. But don't go to the park because everyone else will be going there.

  7. If I drive for 15 minutes and then walk for an hour and a half I may be legal.possibly.I will have to consider this for a while and check it out thanks x( ps I think I may have heard this somewhere else) x

    1. I think you would be perfectly entitled to do that. I might do it myself next week and see what happens.

  8. I looked at the website and video. I differ from you, I have no problem with the way the police dress or the way they conduct themselves (on the whole, obviously there are some exceptions as in every walk of life) and the gadgets they carry are to keep both us and themselves safe. I think we'd be in a real pickle without our police force and they're the first people we turn to when we need help. Sadly they're having to keep up with the times and be armed, again this is for own protection, long gone are the days when it was only the village bobby we saw, these days it's terrorism and violence that they're dealing with. I don't see them as puffed up or intimidating, and the trousers tucked into the boots are standard uniform, tucked into their boots for safety reasons. The website that's showing the details is an anti police website, what it doesn't show on the video clip is the woman was lying on the grass, that isn't allowed during the lockdown. Of course we're all able to hold our own opinions, that's a healthy outlook, but I do feel the video clip was one sided and we didn't get to see the whole picture. Also the website says an officer "spits" at the journalist, this didn't happen, it may have been spittle from speech but I didn't see an officer spit. There's a big difference between voice spittle and spitting.
    Have a good weekend Ilona, it's certainly interesting to hear how others are coping with the lockdown.

  9. It does get confusing especially when they say one thing one day then change it the next. But I’m happy enough sticking to the instruction of shopping only for essentials food/medicine and our one hour daily exercise in our own neighbourhood. Since hearing that the virus could be air bound I’m more than okay staying put until it’s all over...whenever that may be.x

    1. I only go shopping for things I need anyway. Who decides what is essential and what is not. In the new rules you can buy tools and panels to fix your fence, but can't buy paint to decorate your kitchen.

      The one hour daily exercise is a myth. In law there is no limit.

    2. From what I understand ilona they don’t want anybody taking risks and having accidents. So being able to buy tools to fix your fence is probably seen as important (security?) but painting your kitchen (climbing ladders) isn’t classed as important.
      The one hour daily walk is mentioned repeatedly but how they can police that one gawd only knows.
      All I know is i wish is was all behind us and we all live to tell the tale.
      Stay Safe xx

    3. Hi Ilona, the u gov website states that you should "minimise the time you are out of your home"in their section on exercise. I imagine people have interpreted this as an hour. It is all a bit vague. I've been doing about 45 minutes to 1 hour and included some jogging to get my heart rate up as you can't walk far in that time. More importantly I think, I'm picky about the timing. I go really early or at dusk. That way it's nice and quiet.
      Stay safe everyone.
      Jacquie x

    4. Hi Jacquie. And that is the crux of the matter, because the rules are so vague, it's causing conflict between those who interpret it differently. Choosing the times you go is just as important as how long you take, as is the places you choose to do your exercise. I am just back from a one hour, three mile walk around the village, 9pm to 10pm. I saw two people. I am looking after my own safety.

  10. I agree with you Ilona that the police in the clip were overbearing and aggressive. The girl was being frogmarched out of the park (no social distancing) even though she kept saying she wasn't resisting-for sunbathing. And as for all those people on Westminster Bridge-in my opinion the police were condoning the very activity that they should have been preventing. Madness. Ruth x

    1. We didn't see what happened before the girl and her dog were dragged off and bundled into the police van, but in my opinion the incident didn't warrant her being man handled like that. You see such behaviour when the riot police step in to break up a demonstration, there is aggression on both sides in that scenario, so it is expected.

      The journalist saw what was happening and stopped to film it. Everyone has a camera on their phone now, and they are using them to record incidents which they feel should be in the public domain. Check out Anna Brees, an ex BBC/ITV reporter who left the establishments and is now running courses on how to use your phone to make your own news reports.

      Double standards indeed. Cressida Dick, the chief of the Met police was one of those who stood by clapping among the crowds, ignoring social distancing rules.

  11. Well its Saturday morning and dull,dismal and raining here and its my 65th birthday...can life get any worse,lol.The only people Im seeing going against the rules here are the couple that live down the street..I mentioned before...and are still having all day parties,with all their friends from the area sitting on the pavement in their deckchairs.When it rains they all congregate in the garage!.Social distancing dosent happen in their daily lives.Well I still havent been out anywhere because Im getting used to life being as it is...well I havent got much option have I.As long as all my family are well and safe that is all I can ask for at the moment.Best wishes to you Ilona and all reading here and remember...we will get there!!,PS.Im am looking forward to seeing how your denim crafting is getting on,xxx

    1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEBI. I'm still working on the spirals stitched onto denim, it's coming together nicely.

    2. "Happy Birthday to You-Happy Birthday to You-Happy Birthday Dear Debbbiii-Happy Birthday to You"xxx

    3. "Happy Birthday to You-Happy Birthday to You-Happy Birthday Dear Debbbiii-Happy Birthday to You"xxx

    4. Oh I sent it twice!?-well I hope it's lucky for you Debi like when you receive 2 identical cards xx

    5. Thank you for your birthday wishes!!...well in my comment above,I wrote jokingly Could life get any worse...well yes it did about 10 mins after I had sent my comment!.My Mam rang me and was in terrible pain because she had had a bad fall the night before in the garden.Well after a few phone call to 111 it was decided to take her to the Leicester Royal.I was only allowed to take her to the reception to give all her details and then they took her to be treated.She has broke her wrist and her whole arm,including her shoulder is black.I waited in the street and they said they would ring my mobile as soon as they knew what was happening....for once I was glad of my mobile cause I normally hate the bloody things!.I was so scared because she is 86 that they were going to keep her in.Anyway,they were brilliant and kept me informed over the phone what was happening.They brought her to the door and my hubby was able to pick us up and take her home.I have begged her to stay at mine but she wanted to be at home.So as from today me and my sister are taking it alternate days to be down her house.It is worrying because we will have to be in the same room as her and we have all been social isolating for the last 5 to 6 weeks.I am terrified that we could pass something on to her.So what seemed a different life is going to be even more so now.On the plus side she is a very young 86 year old and very strong,but she has got to have the cast and arm sling on for 6 weeks.She is already moaning that she has got an itch under the cast,lol.I told her not to think about it and the itch will go away!Anyway,thats another new normal for us but we are still breathing and the sun is shining today,so we have just got to get on with it and make sure she is ok every day.Stay strong everyone,xxx

  12. There is something very odd about it all. We are banned from travelling, yet planes arrive in the UK every day from all over the world.

    1. It does seem unfair. It is reported that no checks are made when people arrive. They are free to roam wherever they please. Most will travel by public transport to their final destination.

    2. It's only Canadians or Permanent residents allowed in here at the moment and everyone arriving back MUST go into 14 days quarantine. In fact you must now prove that you have a viable quarantine plan in place as you must go straight home - no stopping for even groceries allowed. If you can't prove that is in place then you are taken straight to a hotel for the 14 days! The only exception is for the truck drivers who go back and forth between Canada and the US - both countries agreed to this because of the goods that are needed by both - but otherwise our borders are sealed.
      There are still planes flying domestically but as of this coming week everyone must wear a face mask while onboard.

    3. That's interesting, Margie, thank you for that. Keep a look out for my next blog post, I think you will like it.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.