Thursday 5 October 2023

Meet Mr Pie

I blame Mr Pudding for this post. Now look what you have done, got me hooked on Jonathan Pie, AKA comedian Tom Walker. 

Satire like this puts it all into perspective. My tiny mini rants are a drop in the ocean compared to Jonathans mega explosions into stating the bleeding obvious. 
Oh how I want to let rip with a load of expletives, but have now curbed my language and mostly manage to zip my mouth. I used to swear a lot when standing my ground as a trucker. I was fearless back then, nobody was going to stop me from doing the job I loved. 
Now I am going to watch all of Tom Walkers videos. They give me hope that eventually people will start taking responsibility for their own lives, and join forces with those who can see right through this bullshit smokescreen. 
Here is a link to a Tom Walker interview. Meet the man behind the character of Jonathan Pie. 
Time for breakfast. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. I like the way he shoots from the hip. Arilx

  2. Nothing wrong in having a rant with expletives. Best to get it off your chest.

    1. I haven't had a real rant for a long time, but I can imagine the benefits of getting it all out in the open.


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