Thursday 2 November 2023

Chatting at the checkouts.

The rain put paid to my plans for a walk today. I got myself ready, put a few things in my backpack, it went black over Bills mothers, and started raining. Oh well resort to plan B. 
I needed to go shopping, so just for a change I thought I would drive to the other side of town and go to Asda. It's a big store, I would say a similar size as Tesco Extra. I had a bimble up and down the aisles. Picking up a few things I needed, and a few new things I haven't tried before.
 I got half way round the shop and lost interest. I tend to rush when my trolley becomes full, I am glad to get out. The woman waiting in front of me at the checkout looked like she had done a hard days work, her high vis overalls were filthy. I said, you look like a lorry driver. She amazed me by replying she is. She has been driving for nine years. 
As the check out lady was going off shift, she put the barrier down after I had loaded my shopping on the belt. We had a bit of a chinwag as I was paying, I said how important it is to use cash. Total cost was £122.14. We carried on chatting, and it turned out that she is often on the internet, and she is wide awake to what is going on. That gave me a buzz. 
Two big bags of shopping and cat food loaded into the car. 
Petrol £151.7 per litre. I didn't needed any, still got half a tank left from last time I filled up after coming back from holiday. 

There are smaller shops at the entrance to the store, I wondered if I should pop in here. No, not got time, need to get back, the cats will be wanting their dinner. 
I haven't got time to add a shopping list tonight, with prices. Might do that tomorrow. 

Friday morning
Bananas £1.09
Cheese £2.76
Stir fry sauce 99p
Milk 2pts £1.20
Chutney £1.30
Sesame seed oil £2.40
Coffee £1.50
Biscuits £1.10
Lime pickle £1.05
6 Eggs £1.85
Broccoli 75p
Pasta sauce 80p
Walnuts £2.25
Donuts £1.15
Mushrooms 79p
4 Egg custards £1.26
Greek yogurt £1
Cheese sauce mix £2
Juice £2
Potato Salad £2
Dip £1.10
Courgettes 96p
4 baking potatoes 68p
2 pots Olay skincare £5 and £7
A few of the items I bought. 

Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I live in the states and your grocery prices are a bit lower than ours. The yellow sticker items at the end of the day are really good deals. I also prefer to use cash whenever possible. It’s good to see shots are easily accessible for those who want them. My senior health coverage pays for my vaccines, but I like to space my shots out a bit. I’ve not had a flu shot, but might this year. You look healthy and fit. Must be all the exercise. 😊

    1. I like to think I am healthy and fit, but you never know what is lurking around the corner. A life working outdoors has helped to stave off a lot of illnesses.

  2. Debi from Leicester.All I seem to be spending my money on at the moment is food for the cats.I am on a mission to use every thing in the cupboards before I start buying food again.My fridge died a few weeks back and the new one is very organised now......well at the moment it is,lol.Milk is the only thing Ive bought in the last 2 weeks plus a few pieces of fruit.So hoping to get a couple of more weeks eating what ever is staring at me in the kitchen!.Going off are used to me by now, fridge we looked at had got a bargain offer of taking our old fridge away for 90 quid!!!....I went somewhere else and the local council took it away for free.Hope you have a lovely day!xx

    1. The cost of keeping cats goes up and up. I have just paid the vet £80 for a check up and medication.


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