Thursday 16 November 2023

Hard slog

 Article in the Daily Mail.  (MSN)

Some 42% of over-65s live in a home that is 'larger than they need' Zoopla says this equates to 2.6m homes that could be used by younger families. Nine in ten over 65s have at least one spare bedroom and half have two or more.

Who has decided what size house I need? When I left home I started off in rented flats and bedsits, one bedroom, a living room/kitchen, and a bathroom. The first house I bought was in the middle of a terrace, with a long garden, in a nice area on the outskirts of town. It had two bedrooms. My second house was a semi detached and had three bedrooms. The house I am in now also has three bedrooms.  

So, the question is, who knows what I need? I will be the judge, no one else. It is not my fault that there are not enough houses, flats, hostels, and accommodation, for all those who don't have a roof over their heads. 

The Government blames everyone else except themselves. They invite people to come in. Their incompetence could be put down to blundering mistakes, but no, their plan is in full swing. They know what they are doing. 

'Boomers', what a ridiculous term. Most people I know have worked bloody hard to get where they are now. Paying a mortgage for 36 years has been a long hard slog. I will stay in my house for as long as I choose to. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona 

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