Saturday 4 November 2023

Losing the will

I've had this on the back burner for a couple of days, so I'll pop it in here while I am busy with some  practical tasks around the house. If you have seen it on the yooohooootooob channel, pass this by, unless you want to read the comments, of course. 
Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I totally agree Ilona. Almost every news article promotes fear on a daily basis. Germs, violence, war, extreme weather or attacks by XL bully dogs. The list is endless. It's all part of the plan to make people afraid of everything. We have to stand firm and exercise sense and reason.

  2. Do you think it's the fact that we now have 24 hour news and the internet? Did these things always happen but because there didn't used to be access to online media it took longer and was far more complicated to bring it into the news?
    Does it now seem like more things are happening because there are now the tools to get incidents and stories to more people more quickly.
    Just think how many comments you get on your blog, how many people you have reached out to. That wouldn't happen if it wasnt for the internet.

    It's no surprise that people are choosing to live off grid. They crave that simple life in their own bubble and you cant blame them.
    Best wishes Ruthie

  3. I don't look at news anymore I stopped reading news since coooorvid. It's about promoting fear and panic. Here's what you should be worried about next. Fed to you on a plate. News doesn't set the agenda in my life.

  4. Yes Ilona - I agree with you - I refuse to comply with their plan - I am old enough and wise enough to live my life as I wish to x

  5. I'm so tired of the "experts" and the non stop news. Anyone can call themselves an expert.

    We keep hearing how healthcare if failing and privatization is the way to go. If you have universal healthcare you are doomed. Doomed! Well, my patient yesterday found out she had Cancer on Tuesday morning, saw the top surgeon in our area on Wednesday, finished up her tests on Thursday and is having surgery tomorrow. Less than a week, no additional costs to her other than her taxes. But according to Americans, Canadian healthcare is the pits.

    Read, think, and make your own decisions.

  6. Thank you for the comments. I had to delete quite a few nasty ones. It is heartwarming to know that there are some people out there who have sussed this whole shitshow out, and have the confidence to get on with their own lives.


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