Thursday, 31 March 2011

Coooeeeee, I'm home

Hiya, I'm back. I've walked me little legs off, ha ha. The weather has been grand, nice and warm, even had my shorts on for a while. There was a bit of rain yesterday, bet I'm the only rambler who uses a brolly. I had two long days on Tues/Wed, set off at 9.30am and returned to the hostel ten hours later at 7.30pm. Make a meal and collapse in a big arm chair in front of the tele.

Again I had my own room and a bathroom next door. There was me and a chap in on the Monday night, then I had the hostel to myself for the next two nights. The volunteer wardens were there, but they had their own quarters at the other end of the building. It was like living in my own mansion. Fabulous, the heating was on, radio in the dining room, books to read, tele with me in control of the remote, everything I needed in the kitchen, just perfect.

I'll get the pictures sorted, but I have to warn you, there are lots of churches. Catch you tomorrow.


  1. Glad you had a good time, just popped in on off chance! Looking forward to seeing your ecclesiastical pictures! By the way, Nicholas Crane always uses a brolly - and I had decided it was a much better idea than going around with eyes closed or rain on glasses, if worn.

  2. Nice to have you back Ilona. Looking forward to seeing the pictures. I'm ready for a 'virtual' holiday lol.

  3. Welcome back! I look forward to reading all about your adventures soon!

  4. Sounds mahvellous being in the mansion ;-) Look forward to the pics.

  5. Welcome back. I've been dropping by hoping you'd written something. Looking forward to your recount of your travels.

  6. Welcome back, it sounds like you have been living in luxury!!

    Sue xx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.