Sunday 27 October 2024

Digital art

Good morning. Take a look at these photo's I took while bimbling around Barton on Thursday. I came a few weeks ago to photograph a burnt out wreck that used to be a hotel, but I ran out of time. Curiosity got the better of me so I drove down the long driveway to the entrance. There were no barriers or gates to stop me. I wanted to see if there was anything to salvage. It has been over a year since the place caught fire. I knew there would be nothing to physically remove, but there might be something of artistic value to photograph. 
I am of the opinion that no matter how ugly a place is, if you look at it from all angles, there will be something that can be salvaged, and turned into a thing of beauty. Not everybody has the ability to process what they see in front of them. Doubts creep in, and desolation takes over. There is nothing left is a common feeling, when seeing something like this. 
I look deeper into the heart of the building. This has memories of weddings, of parties, and of happy times spent with friends and families. It may only be bricks and mortar, now reduced to rubble for some people, but it gave great joy to others. 
I have enhanced the photo's with contrast and saturation. Didn't need to crop them. I am very pleased with the result. My new hobby is digital art. 

The Reeds Hotel was flooded when there was a tidal surge on the Humber a few years ago. They found it difficult to recover from that. Then it had to close when people were told to stay at home and isolate. Then it was vandalised and set on fire. 
How it used to be. 

Fraught with difficulties over the years. The full story is here, if you can fight your way through the adverts.  
Sunday morning and it is sunny. Porridge eaten. The new cover for the Summerhouse is now installed, with the help of a friend. Yesterday I put a lot of timber out on the front for anyone to take. It went in 20 minutes. I have too much and it's cluttering the place up. I shall be on the hunt for some paint, to tart up my Shed of the Year. 
Have a good Sunday. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

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