Saturday 26 October 2024

Release valve.

I have just noticed that it is one year and a few days since I started the Rabbit Hole blog. Rather than mess up my original blog with my views about the current situation, thus encouraging those people who wish to engage in pulling me apart, I felt it wise to separate my writings of political type matters, from my everyday musings of a good life on a pension. 
The Rabbit Hole has been a place where I can offload my thoughts about what is going on in the world. It has given me a valve to release the pressure. It's not good to bottle things up. I can use this facility to document my thoughts. Most of it is what I pick up reading and watching from all sources of information. 
When I started studying this crazy world, and jotting a few thoughts down on Life After Money, I was unprepared for the lashings of nasty tongues whose intention was to silence me. There are a lot of bloggers who have totally opposite ideas from me. I see them herding together. I stay away from those blogs where I know I will get ripped to pieces, so I couldn't understand why they come onto my blog. 
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and should be free to express them. I had to take the measure of deleting a lot of comments. People can say what they like, I do not have to listen. 
It is a misconception that there are two sides, the right and the left. This is a lie, made up by main stream media and the Government. It suits their purpose to create division, which is predicted to escalate in the coming years. One has to look at the end game. What we are going through now is just one of many steps being pushed forward by the Globalist Cults. The WEF leads the way. Why are they doing it? To put it bluntly, because they have fucked up the worlds global economy, and they have a new system waiting in the wings to be rolled out. They need to get everyone in the world documented and under their control. How do they do that? By frightening people into giving in to their demands. They have trialled this method and know it works. They will do it again and again. 
Anyway, I won't rabbit on too much about it. You dear reader make up your own mind. But remember, you don't have to fight me, and I don't have to fight you. 
It's Saturday so get out there and have a good weekend. There is a rally on in London which I will be keeping an eye on. 

Toodle pip.   ilona

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