Tuesday 15 October 2024

Running out of daylight.

I'm glad I went for a walk yesterday. It's been pretty miserable today. I did manage to get in two dog walks later this afternoon. Rocky's dad is at home now, back from hospital. He won't be able to walk him just yet as he needs time to recover from his operation. I will call in and help when I have an hour or two to spare. The next door neighbour will also take him for a walk. 

I took Billy for a walk as well. Might as well do both, not at the same time though because I am not sure if they would get on together. There are two Beagles which Billy hates. For some reason he goes bonkers, barking like crazy. 
I made this video yesterday. Uploaded today. I did get caught out in the dark. Good job I took a torch with me. I don't like these shorter days. 

My dinner tonight was a lovely stir fry, washed down with half a bottle of beer. 
Let's see what tomorrow brings. Sunny or dull, we shall see. No plans, I'll make something up. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

Monday 14 October 2024

Crafty Club party

There wasn't much stitching, or knitting going on this morning at Crafty Club. We had a birthday to celebrate. A big one. I must say, she doesn't look 80, nowhere near it. We had home made mushroom soup, quiche, nibbles, cake, and ice cream. 
Afterwards the ladies played Bingo. I opted out of that and did the washing up instead. 
This afternoon I went a walk, The sun came out and it was good to be out in the fields. I came across a young lady riding her horse. It was a bit frisky at first because the track is usually quiet. It came closer to inspect me, then we were friends. 
As I approach this group of trees, from a distance that square in between the trees looks like a picture frame. 
Remember the walk on Friday, the photograph looking across the river to Brough on the other side. This is that same view, from much further away. As the crow flies I am 4.5 miles away. Friday I was 1.4 miles away. Good zoom on the camera. 

I saw Trevor. He is the man who looks after the memorial bench. I told him about the tree and hedge cutting around it, and how much of a mess it looks. He said he will go and check it out in a week or two, when he has time. 
I stopped off at Junes house for a natter and kept an eye on the time. It was a good job I remembered to take a torch as it was getting dark very quickly. I had the sun going down on my right, and over on the left behind the trees the moon was coming up. It doesn't look dark in this picture but ten minutes later it was. I don't like the short days. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

Sunday 13 October 2024

Moving forward. A new direction.

Foxes Afloat have been on my watch list for some time now. I have followed Colin and Shaun from their adventures on their narrowboat, to their new adventures on a smallholding in Scotland. Their content is interesting and entertaining. Both of them are jokers, you have to giggle as you watch their silliness. 
It is well documented that Colin has issues with his mental health. He has managed to alleviate a lot of the symptoms by staying active physically, with running, cycling, and swimming. He looks pretty healthy for a 52 year old. 
Now he has hit a problem, a big problem that has been going on for three years. After putting up with chronic and debilitating  pain, he was diagnosed with a kidney stone. Now, three years later, he is constantly tired, and has lost interest in creating videos, and his followers are wondering what has happened. 
In this video Colin explains everything. It's a story about how he has been let down badly by the NHS, and how he is still in the same position three years later. He now has to find the money to bypass the NHS and go private. Not a decision to be taken lightly. He has had three years to think about it. It's not a sob story begging for money. Colin and Shaun are both resourceful, they will work something out together, I'm sure. 
Listen and watch if you have time, on yootube, then read the comments. This scenario is being played out everywhere. We could always rely on the NHS to help us out if we aren't feeling well, not any more. Today it is more important than ever to take responsibility for our own health. 
Sunday morning and it is dull. The rain overnight has stopped. Yesterday I did a big shop at Home Bargains and stocked up on cat food. Today I don't have a plan, I will make it up as I go along. I know I will be doing two dog walks. 
Enjoy your Sunday. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

Saturday 12 October 2024

Down by the river side.

Yesterday was sunny and windy, and I fancied a walk. I knew it was going to be cold so I wrapped up well. The big heavy jacket with the furry hood is back. I parked at Winteringham and walked to the boatyard where I took a left turn onto the riverbank. 
I followed this footpath to Whitton. A walk by the river sounds nice, but you can't actually see the river because of the mudbanks and reed beds. The raised path has been built as a flood defence to protect the farm land. 
I knew I was going to get buffeted by the wind, I was ready for that. Looks like a lovely summers day in the photograph. 
At this point there is a culvert underneath the raised path where the water on the fields drains away into the river when it has been raining. Across on the north bank the factories at Brough can be seen. 

There was a huge flock of geese taking a rest. They were quite some distance away so the zoom was needed. I hoped that they might take flight and I could get a photo of them in the air. 

I kept my eye on them as I was passing, but didn't detect any movements. Eventually they started  chattering and took to the air. They went up and down the river a couple of times then disappeared into the distance. Luckily I still had my camera in my hand.  
A few minutes later a second flock appeared and flew right over my head. 
I came into Whitton village and saw that the church was open. Come and have a look inside with me. 
Time was getting on, or so I thought. I forgot to put my watch on. I stopped to chat to a gentleman with a beautiful German Shepherd dog. He said it was 4.30pm. I had better get a move on. I went back a different way. That river bank walk can be a tad boring. Looking at the map, I have walked all the routes round there over the years. Mind you, I still went a bit wrong and lost the path. The church at Winteringham can be seen from a distance so I headed that way. 
Today it has been wet, dull, cold, and miserable. I did some sewing, had a nice long soak in the bath, and this afternoon went to Home Bargains to stock up on cat food. I was in the charity shop when the heavens opened and heavy rainfall turned the sky very dark. I waited in the shop until it had passed before I made a dash to the car. 
Let's see what tomorrow brings. Enjoy your Sunday. Toodle pip.   ilona 

Friday 11 October 2024

Spy in the sky.

I am fascinated by drones, so when I heard that someone was going to be flying one this morning over the church, I had to have a look. Apparently there is a hole in the roof and rain water is getting in. Rather than put scaffolding up and have a man go up there at an enormous cost, it is possible to send a drone up to do a thorough inspection. One has to launch it from a helipad so that it knows where to come back to. 
Lovely clear blue sky this morning, but it was freezing cold. 

It shows up really well against a blue sky, but not so easy to spot against a brick wall. 

I was able to chat with Glen before he started. I wondered if I might learn how to use one. Maybe I'll ask him some more questions when he is not so busy. 
This afternoon I made a short journey in my car and parked in another village. A change of scenery for a walk. I took some photo's and made a video. I did seven miles. That was enough. 

Thanks for popping in. Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona