Sunday, 31 December 2023
Are you ready for 2024
Saturday, 30 December 2023
New challenge
And it's a new day, and yes, I am being threatened. Someone does not like what they see on my blog. They have sent me the same comment, and various versions, many times over the last year.
Unknown commented. Your blog has been reported. Shame on you.
Should I be scared? I am wondering what comes next. Blogs disappearing down a rabbit hole? Thought police coming to my door to drag me off to jail? I'll let you know.
Anyway, I am able to move on. We are nearing the end of the year, it's time to make plans for the next one. After careful consideration I will be embarking on another 1000 mile walk, starting on the 1st of January. I've had a year off where I have walked but not recorded the mileage. I like to spread my time between a variety of different interests. I can be flexible about how far I walk on a daily basis, and what time of day I walk, morning, afternoon, or evening. I can be flexible about where I walk. Locally I have a two and a three mile route. I can walk out of the village and do a five, six, or seven mile route. I can also drive somewhere else and walk in a new area.
I use this website to check my mileage if I walk in new territory. After marking it out on a paper ordnance survey map I trace it onto It automatically adds it up. If you use it toggle the map sizes. You want the bigger map on the right hand side of the screen. I have been using it for years. It is free to use.
Lets get as many people as we can to join in this challenge. There has never been a more important time to look after your own health. I don't want to be ill so I am on a mission.
I will leave the comments closed for now. If anyone wants to join in I will open it up on February 1st, so participants can log their progress. There is a web site dedicated to join in with others on this challenge. You may wish to sign up for that. It costs nothing. There is lots of inspiration here.
Anyway, I'm off now. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip. ilona
Friday, 29 December 2023
Just to let you, I am being threatened.
Lots of love, ilona xxx
PS nothing to worry about. I will report back soon.
More music please.
Thursday, 28 December 2023
Pampered Pussy
Wednesday, 27 December 2023
Lovely subscribers

Tuesday, 26 December 2023
Drone Show! (1,500+ Drones)
Out for a stroll.
Stagnant pond.
Monday, 25 December 2023
Presents on Christmas Day
Sunday, 24 December 2023
Mayze cat update.
Twas the night before Christmas, and the winds are howling outside. I have done a village walk. Saw a lady who walks her two Beagles. The dogs recognise me even though I am snuggled in my furry hood. They know I am the treat lady. A lot of the dogs know they might get a treat. I have a few in my pocket, even when I am not walking a dog myself.
I have been cutting up fabric for the covers of the next batch of pet beds. There are nine waiting to be sewn together now.
I've been watching some yoootooob videos. Helicopter rides over Mount Everest, train journeys in snowy Norway, and the bullet trains in Japan. Fantastic entertainment.
Janet called round to see how Mayze is. I mentioned in a comment on the previous post that I had taken her to the vet. She has been off her food, and was looking quite lethargic. Not showing any interest in anything and sleeping a lot. Her coat was looking a bit patchy due to her constant grooming. The vet did a thorough check, took a urine sample, and a blood sample, and gave her an injection. She is camping out on the stairs at the moment, seems to like it there. I left her some food when I went to bed, it was gone this morning. Today she has been yelling at me for more food, so I think she is feeling better.
I've made a pan of stew so I'm going to eat some now. The rest will be for lunch and dinner tomorrow.
Enjoy your Christmas day. Toodle pip. ilona
Saturday, 23 December 2023
A windy walk.
Friday, 22 December 2023
Quick snaps.
Pity the red sky wasn't behind this one, it would have been good. I always carry the camera, you never know when an opportunity might arise.
Toodle pip. ilona
Daniel has bought a house.
Thursday, 21 December 2023
Blustery walk
I've got a video to upload, I'll post it tomorrow.
Toodle pip. ilona
For Lyndsey
Not everyone will have a nice Christmas. Lyndsey is a registered nurse. She was injured almost two years ago, and is still suffering now. She almost died last year. Her injuries have been confirmed. She gave in to pressure to take a certain treatment.
Her symptoms keep reoccurring. She talks about the newest symptom and asks if anybody can help with a possible remedy. Most of the replies are people making helpful suggestions. However, there is always one. . . . . . . .
You are a nurse. You had to know better. I feel bad for you, but you need to make sure that your colleagues stand up and speak out next time. Imagine how many people without a medical background got injured because of medical professionals.
This is Lyndsey's reply. . . . . . . . . .
Being told safe and effective while holding an iPad up while family who can’t be with the patient while they are actively dying looks on while working in the covid icu and then being told there are no medical exemptions and they are denying religious exemptions and we had to pick between our livelihood and being homeless or our jobs. So yeah before you chastise me for the decision I made or others at the time made with the information we had at the time put yourself in their shoes. It’s so easy for you to sit back and say those things with your half hearted I’m sorry to someone who endured all those things to say what you just did NEVER JUDGE A PERSON BASED OFF THE CHAPTER YOU WALKED IN ON! Please reflect and learn from this.
. . . . . . . .
My thoughts. There are millions out there who have had their lives changed forever, because they gave in to pressure. They did what they were told to do. Take the treatment or you lose your job. A nurses vocation is their desire to help and look after people. They were all told a lie and they didn't know it. They were not given a choice. Many of those who decided not to take the treatment were sacked. Just imagine how that may feel. You take care of people because you want to see them get better, then all of a sudden that is ripped away from you. Remember how they encouraged nurses to sing and dance, when all the time they were plotting how to get rid of them.
Don't ever think that because you don't know anyone who hasn't been injured after taking the said treatment, that it didn't happen. That it's a conspiracy theory, because it damn well wasn't. They followed instructions and now they are paying the price.
Mini rant over. What is done is done. Now we need to help those who are suffering.
Read Lyndsey's account of what has happened to her.
Thanks for reading. ilona. xxx
Wednesday, 20 December 2023
More eating today.
I changed my hair colour yesterday, now I am a blondie. My dress is 33 years old. I bought it in 1990 when I was invited to the Women of the Year Luncheon at the Savoy Hotel. I have had other dresses since then, but this is the only one I have left. I tend to wear mostly trousers, and sometimes skirts. This dress means a lot to me, I have some happy memories of it.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip. ilona
Tuesday, 19 December 2023
Day off
I wonder if Traveller the Troll will take a day off on the 25th ? 😑😏😆😵😮😃😁
Toodle pip. ilona
Monday, 18 December 2023
An afternoon of laughter.
Toodle pip. ilona
Moving forward
It took a while for me to drop to sleep last night. Normally I am off to the land of nod minutes after my head hits the pillow. I always lay flat on my back, but last night I was tossing and turning, this way and that. I checked the time it was 2.30am. Should I get up and make a drink? No that will make me want to pee. I lay still and eventually dropped off. I woke at 8am.
There was something on my mind. I don't like puzzles and problems, they throw up a lot of questions. I need to know answers. I process an idea and look for the links to join ideas together. Eventually it starts to make sense, which is where I am at the moment.
Reading social media, everyone has a tendency to ask the same questions. They go round in circles and end up back at the beginning having not found any credible answers. There are some people however who are bright enough to form their own opinions. The pieces of the jigsaw fit together. There is a lot to be said for thinking outside the box.
Going down a long and familiar straight road will not throw up any solutions. To follow a path which you are familiar can be a disappointment, unless of course you have your eyes open. How many times have you heard people say, oh, I didn't see that coming? One has to be brave enough to divert, and explore a different landscape.
It is often said that the answers to questions will be evident after a long period of time. What has happened before will happen again. As I have never studied history, I am more interested in the events that have happened in my own lifetime. We can think about the past, but shouldn't dwell on it. I am all about moving forward, and want to know what comes next.
Keep your eyes and ears open. Widen your horizons. For me this is unfolding into a real life drama. I have read one book about it, A State of Fear, by Laura Dodsworth. That set me off on a road of exploration. I won't wait for another book, I am living it now.
Food is served this morning at Crafty Club and I have to get ready. Toodle pip. ilona
Saturday, 16 December 2023
Watching the sun go down
Now on the way home. I zoomed in to get that tree framed by the two on either side. It reminds me of the Hadrians Wall tree that was chopped down. Bye bye sunset. See you next time. There's a 'do' going on at the pub this weekend. I walked past it and said hello to a few people. Not my thing, too noisy, music blaring out. It's good to see people enjoying themselves.
I've had a lovely meal at home, and a glass of wine.
Enjoy your Sunday. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip. ilona