Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Bloomin heck, not more snow!

Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See!
Thank you Mike Knipe for allerting me to this.
Monday, 29 November 2010
Looking for the unusual at the Saatchi Gallery
I was looking forward to my visit here, and I was not disappointed, I loved it. It was a bright and sunny day, opposite the main entrance is the playing fields of a nearby school, the tiny tots were enjoying a good old fashioned run about, and relay races, followed by a game of footie.
The gallery is free to go in, a few huge snowballs were scattered on the grass to the side of the entrance. Not real snow of course, nothing is real at Saatchi, everything is tantalisingly confusing.

The next four photographs are in sequence, at first glance the exhibit looks like a digital clock, and once a minute the numbers change.

When I saw this next exhibit, I thought, oooh look, carrier bags, just my thing. Twelve of them pinned to the wall.

The Saatchi website is here
I loved the Saatchi Gallery, it was everything I expected it to be.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
A winter warmer - for Sun, Mon, & Tues
This is one example of my 'chuck it in the pan and see', recipes, ha ha.
Five or six carrots, Tesco Value, they are cheap at the moment, or they were when I bought them a week ago. A quarter of a butternut squash, chopped. One chopped onion. A few pieces of cauliflower, plus the stalk chopped up. A chopped up cooking apple. Small bag of frozen runner beans, from the garden. Some frozen peas. Some wholemeal pasta twirls. Two tablespoons of porridge oats. Chuck all this in a large pan with water, bring it to the boil, then add whatever spices you have. I have used an oxo cube, shake of garlic granules, two teaspoons of turmeric, and a packet of out of date tomato soup in a cup. It's only 18 months out of date, I'm sure it wont kill me.

Let it snow, I'm saving money
Henry went bounding up to them as he usually does, he loves to greet people and dogs alike, he thinks everyone is his best friend. There is sadness in Paul and Janet's house at the moment, they have recently lost their other beloved dog, Thomas, who was very poorly. I share their grief, it is very sad when a treasured pet reaches the end of it's life.
The snow is coming down thick and fast now and I have just taken stock of my food situation, just in case I can't get to the shops. I reckon I have enough to see me through the next week. It might mean having toast or porridge for breakfast instead of bran flakes, and using up the frozen veg when I run out of fresh. This weather might be good for a bit of money saving, can't get out, can't spend.
I am still waiting for the cheque for my car from the insurance company, but it doesn't matter. Not very good for looking at cars at the moment anyway, that's unless they have cleared the snow off them. I am looking on the internet to get some idea of what you can get for your money. I had a chat with my insurance brokers, to get an idea of how much I might have to pay for certain types of cars. I want to upgrade a bit, and want to stick with Ford. Trouble is that a newer car is going to be more insurance, unless I pick a smaller engine with lower road tax. I can see why there are so many older cars on the road, people can't afford to insure something decent.
Oh well, back to sewing. I am making more shopping bags. This time they are not to give away, but to sell at the school Christmas Fair. Sue has got us a table so we can raise a bit of cash for our rescue cats. She has to pay out such a lot for them, in food and vet's fees, all out of her own pocket. A bit of good news this week though, she has been able to rehome Bella, and she seems to have settled in well. We still have Tiger and Lilly, brother and sister, but they are ok in their snug little house with their own run attached. I dont think people are considering taking a cat in at the moment, their minds are on Christmas. I shall be glad when it's all over, I think it's just an annoying interruption. Bah humbug!
Saturday, 27 November 2010
London Wall, then and now.
I have dug out these photo's, and have even found a copy of a delivery note. I have kept all the paperwork from my heavy haulage days, movement orders, notifications to the police and utilities, details of routes and which loads were escorted.
It says here that I was onsite at 7.45am and left at 1.15pm, and the slinger standing on the top of the concrete panel in the second photo, was Harry Greenwood.
We used semi stepframe trailers for these loads, they were heavy and we had to keep the weight low to the ground. I remember following a colleague once, he was half an hour in front of me, and when I got to the top of Archway Road, round the bend, I came across him parked at the side of the road. One of his panels had come adrift and had skidded down the road, demolished someone's garden wall and come to rest wedged against the house.

Friday, 26 November 2010
The buzz of London
I found it all very fascinating, a completely different lifestyle to what I am used to. I can understand however, when people say that living in a city can be the loneliest place on earth, no one has time to stop. I can also understand why people yearn to escape the rat race and retire to a cottage in the country.
Some flashy Christmas lights.

A few days into the holiday I was getting into the buzz of things and was starting to enjoy the atmosphere. I thought, how exciting, look at me walking round London, eager each morning to get out of the hostel and see what interesting stuff I could find to look at. Imagining what it would be like to live there, going back to my cosy little flat in the evenings. There would be plenty to do each day, no time to get bored.
But then I came to my senses, and when it was time to get on the train for home, I thought, get me out of here. I'm a country bumpkin at heart, it's ok to visit, but I like to breath fresh countryside air, not be choked to death with all the polution. Aaahh, the smell of the nature, you can't beat it.