Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Free things to do.

I have a plan, an idea to have fun, to get out more, and to meet people. Spring is in the air, and I get a feeling it is going to be the best summer yet. This is my plan, it is hanging on my office wall, a calendar, and notice board that I can pin all my cuttings to.

I am collecting information about what's going on in my area, from magazines, newspapers, notice boards, and leaflets at the library. There is such a lot to do if you make the effort of using your eyes and ears to find out about it. I can't walk past a shop window with a lot of posters in it, I have to read and digest each one, is there anything I should know about? The same with the free paper, well it's free, so I read it.

All this research is in preparation for when I get my bus pass. My plan is to get as many free days out as I can, find out what activities cost no money, go and take part and enjoy them, take photo's and write about them.

I made a start today. We have a walking group organised by volunteers, called Walking the Way to Health in North Lincolnshire, I picked up a leaflet at the beginning of the year. I checked it at 9am this morning and found there was a walk of nearly three miles, starting in the next village at 10.30, just the job, get the boots on, pick up Ben, and off we went.

These walks are very popular, usually between 30 and 50 people turn up, I was pleased to see there were people there I had met before. They are a friendly group, always someone to chat to. Looking at the programme I think I am going to do the longer walks of seven miles, a short stroll is pleasant, but sometimes I like to push myself a bit more. Years ago I could easily walk 20 - 25 miles in a day, I remember on my 30th birthday I did a 30 mile walk, organised by the army, a great way to celebrate, I thought. I don't think I will be doing a 60 mile walk in May though, now that would be pushing it a bit too far.

I am hoping to get a lot of the dates filled in on my calendar on the wall. I see there is a free tour of the crematorium organised for the end of March, that should be interesting, and there are some art exhibitions coming up at the 20 21 Arts Centre. I'll report my excursions on here. I'm off to my free college course tonight.

Daily spend - £1.42 Tesco reduced prices.
Bread 13p, salad bag 20p, parsnips 9p, cabbage 8p.


  1. I think this is a great idea and look forward to reading more about your adventures.

  2. Hello Ilona, Iam reading up on your blog from when you started ten years ago. The comment about an excursion to a crematorium made me laugh for fun things to do. Greetje


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.