I love my Focus Estate, I've always had Fords, always estates, and always diesels, I like the versatility of the vehicle. Mostly I have the back seats down because I tend to carry stuff rather than people. I've had it full of pallets and timber, chopped up furniture to take to the tip, the trunk and branches of a tree I took down in the back garden, my bicycle, and other people's dogs. It also doubles up as overnight accommodation when I am travelling a long distance, throw some cushions and bedding in the back, a camping stove and a box of food, that's all you need, saves a fortune on hotels.
Anyway, my filters are changed, fresh oil in there, they told me to keep an eye on a back tyre, still legal but may need changing in a few months, and one of the brake discs is starting to get groovy on the front. Nothing to panic about, it will last till the next service, they will check it again when I have the tyre changed.
It might seem a bit odd for me to have a car, when I am on a very small income, sitting in a freezing house with no central heating and I don't have a television set, but that is how I prioritise my needs. My frugality gives me the things which I consider are important. I have had a lifetime of moving around in my job, I would be thoroughly miserable if I didn't have the means to get out of my village. My freedom of movement means everything to me.
Daily spend - £47.00 car service. £3.70 charity shop
I know I'm waaaaay late, but just found your site and am working my way forward in time. I had almost this exact car for 10 years (2002) and just traded it in for a Subaru. I absolutely loved it and would have kept it if I didn't need the trade-in money. Love your site BTW.