I have a big bed which I absolutely love snuggling down into, two duvets, two pillows, and the electric blanket warms it up a treat, heaven, well you would think so wouldn't you. For starters my three little friends beat me to it, strategically placed they block the way in, I have to slide under the duvet, gently nudging them out of the way. Then I struggle to pull my teashirts (yes plural usually three) down and get comfortable. They then reposition themselves, Bugsy wedged against my left arm, Freddie against my right, and Lily across my feet. And that's where we stay all night, me in a straight jacket on my back, not daring to move in case I disturbe them.
Next I find the bed vibrating as Bugsy scratches behind his ear, a few minutes later Freddie remembers he hasn't had a bath, and proceeds to wash himself from top to bottom. Yawn, when are they going to fall asleep.
I wake up several times during the night, oh how I wish I could stretch, and wriggle, and curl up like a ball, I lie there stiff as a board willing myself to go back to sleep. Then I am suddenly woken up by a loud noise like thunder going through the bed, the rumbling reminds me of the trains going through the underground. Freddie is scratching the side of the bed with his claws to let me know he wants to go out.
Half asleep trying not to fully wake up, I groan as I see it is only half past four, he does this every morning, sometimes earlier, sometimes later. I suppose some people would just leave him ouside all night, but I can't do that, he is my baby, and awfull things happen to cats at night.
So, back to bed to get another couple of hours shuteye, hopefully.
Daily Spend - nothing
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