Friday, 17 April 2009

Artistic talent

There is artistic talent in my family, pity I didn't get some of it:-( By artistic I mean painting and drawing. My father was a whiz with a pencil, he could copy a photograph and it would look ten times better as a drawing. I have tried, but failed miserably, I can't get the hang of shading, lighting, smudging, and shadows. My trees are like a bunch of sticks.

My uncle Stan, dad's brother, has been painting all of his life, oils, pastels, pencils, acrylic, you name it he can do it. His pictures have been exhibited all over the place, even top galleries in London. Stan has an exhibition at the moment in the Library at Burton upon Trent, my home town. Here is a link to the story in the local newspaper.

I have been to see the exhibition and spend a few hours with my uncle. He has 35 paintings on display and the money he raises from the sales is going to the Air Ambulance. While we were there someone bought one, making a total of eight sold. At 85 years old, I think this is a fantastic achievement. Stan keeps himself very busy with his painting, gardening, and haircutting. He was a hairdresser for most of his life, and still has cusomers coming to his house for a trim, all the money he takes also goes to the Air Ambulance. I am proud of my uncle Stan, I had a lovely day out with him.

Daily spend - £16.48 diesel
Pub lunch, too much, my treat, just forget about it :-)


  1. OMG... is that his paintings behind you? They are wonderful!! You have every reason to be proud. And I think you got the artistic talent for your sewing and knitting... and thinking outside of the box! x

  2. The paintings are wonderful, I'm sure he will raise a lot of money for the air ambulance.
    Love the new hair colour BTW, it's very you!!

  3. I think you look a lot Uncle Stan. You have a lot of the same family features. Lovely paintings!!! I think it’s wonderful his donation to air ambulance.


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