Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Catch up time

Oh dear, now I'm going to have a big gap from the last post to this one, but it's going to be too time consuming to fill it. So sorry if you have missed me, but I've had terrible problems with my computer, again, seems it had picked up all manner of gremlins, was even hijacked. I had a computer expert here this morning gasping in amazement at how it was infected with every imaginable bug. I watched as he zapped through the lot, cleaned it all up with his little stick, put a new anti everything programme in it, then he left me to watch it scan for over an hour and a half. It is now declared squeeky clean, cost me £30 but well worth it. It's thanks to Mark at http://www.barton-computers.co.uk/ that I am still here.

So what have I been doing these last few days? Well, I have actually been to work. Last year I did a few jobs for Timberland Motorhomes, collecting and delivering them to and from shows. This weekend they had about 50 at Peterborough, they rang and asked if I was available, so 15 of us went in a mini bus to bring them all back. I call this my hobby job, as it's more like a day out, the guys are good to work with, we have a laugh, and I get to drive some really smart top of the range motorhomes.

I was pleased to see they had bought us a brand new mini bus. Previously we had a basic school bus type box on wheels and the seats were awful, I always had to take a cushion it was so uncomfortable. It seems the sales of motorhomes have not been hit by the recession, possibly more people are electing to do their own thing rather than fly off abroad somewhere. Some of the interiors are luxurious, I can picture myself touring around in one of these, but at almost £40,000 for a newish small one, or £60,000 for the deluxe with garage, I think it will have to remain, 'in my dreams.'

It's countdown time to my party, the guest list is growing, I need to plan the buffet, and decide what I am to wear. I have decided not to look like a conventional 60 year old, but to look like a bright and crazy chic, so I have been scouring the charity shops for something totally outrageous, can't wait to see the gobsmacked look on everyone's face.

I am going to cease puttting my daily spend on here for the time being. I have been doing it because I thought it might give inspiration to others and illustrate that it it possible to live on very little money. I will make a mention of the bargains I get from time to time, just as a reminder that I am keeping to my strict rules of searching out the best that I can get for my money. My frugal shopping has become a way of life with me, I have got my food shopping down to a fine art. Must go, I've got a dog here that is waiting to go out.


  1. Glad to see you back online Ilona.. I did wonder if you were ill... so pleased it was just the computer. The motor homes look great... if it was me I'd want to keep on driving... to the beach or somewhere! :-)

  2. Oh wow! I am absolutely green with envy I LOVE motorhomes and camper vans of all shapes and sizes. I saw a brilliant documentary on Nat Geo about the factory that builds the enormous Winnebagos in America. I'll send you a link to the show if I can find one. At least now I know where to find a driver when my premium bonds come up and I can afford one myself!!

  3. I'd be pleased if you put your daily spend back on at aome point in the future. It is an encouragement to see how much (or rather, little) you spent and it made me smile when you had s treat like a bar of chocolate. After all, a small treat is allowed once in a blue moon.


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