Thursday, 9 April 2009

Good for the soul

In order to jump start my brain and search for that elusive inspiration, I decided a long walk was needed, so I got on the free Asda bus at 10.45am and got off it at 11.10am at the store. I think the bus drivers brain was also not working properly, as we had to tell him he was going the wrong way, a quick u turn got him back on track.
I set off to walk back home, a distance of about seven miles. As I was passing a young man waiting at a bus stop, he yelled across the road to me, I couldn't hear him properly so I walked towards him. He repeated himself, 'Have you got your boys pants on?' A big grin spread across his face. Anyone overhearing that may have thought he was being abusive, but I stopped to chat, a great conversation ice breaker I thought. Of course he was referring to my appearance in the television programme, Hunt for Britains Tightest Person, I'm amazed that people still remember it, and recognise me.

I am shocked at how much booze people drink at home, me being a bit nosey, I look in the recycled boxes which are awaiting collection outside people's houses. Either the few people in the house drink a lot, or they have about thirty people living under one roof.

I passed the grot spot, looks like more new rubbish has been added, why do some people have to be so disgusting. It's such a shame that our countryside is being spoilt.
Further on, I passed the tall fir trees, almost home now.

Two and a half hours later and I'm back. I needed that walk, sometimes I just have to get out, the urge to get my boots on is overwhelming, and all else has to be put on hold as I stride off. Walking is good for the soul, it's just got to be done and I love it.
Daily spend - nothing

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy walking, it blows away the cobwebs from the brain... :-)


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