Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Life is learning

I've had a lovely day out today, courtesy of North Lindsey College, another free course. So far this year I have done Introduction to Psychology - ten weeks, Introduction to Social Sciences - ten weeks, Running an Event - one day, and today was Introduction to Life Coaching. I am also part way through another ten week course, this time Health Psychology.

None of these have exams or qualifications, they are taster courses that people can attend if they are not sure whether they want to sign up for the real course or not. If I was about twenty years younger I might seriously consider going down the Life Coach route, but for now the subject will remain just an interest.

I love learning about life, I think I have mine pretty much sorted so I am lucky. Others are not so lucky. When I was young I didn't think I was worth very much, I had very little confidence, but things changed when I realised that I had choices, at the first opportunity I left home to stand on my own two feet. I could live where I wanted to live, I could do the job I wanted to do, I loved my freedom and independance.

I have just re-read the above, I said I am lucky, let me re-phrase that. I am lucky because I thought about my life, about how I wanted it to be, and about which direction I wanted to go. I thought about the decisions I needed to make, and the changes I could make if I was not happy about something. So maybe I shouldn't say I am lucky, because it was all planned. There is one quote that keeps coming back to me, and I don't know who said it, 'If you don't have a plan for the rest of your life, someone else does.' How true.

Of course I called in Tesco as I was passing on the way home, and was chuffed to find some bargains. Alpen luxury oat flakes and clusters reduced from £2.93 to 20p. Capri 5 pouch fruit drinks from £1.80 to 30p. Choc soya drink from 79p to 10p. Potatoes 2.5kg £1.97 to 49p. Big bag posh crisps £1.55 to 20p. Big spiced fruit loaf £1.76 to 50p. Lucky I called in at that time :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ilona

    thought you may be interested in these

    The pottery one looks fun but a bit far for me maybe


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