I use boxes for all sorts of plants that don't grow too big, I have tomatoes in them in my greenhouse, two plants to each box. Also two cucumber plants fit nicely. Last year I tried courgettes, one plant in each box. They grew alright and I had quite a few fruits off them, but they weren't as productive as those in the raised beds. I ended up with six extra runner bean plants last year, so I put them in a box with their canes. They did fine, loads of beans from them.
From the top down, Beetroot, Raddishes, Peas, Salad Leaves in a washing up bowl, Potatoes in an old kitchen wall cupboard, and peas in a bed with trellis round to keep the cats off.

Growing in boxes is a brilliant idea. I do it all the time. They are really just mini raised beds! everything looks like its growing really well Ilona. :-)