Saturday, 12 June 2010

Beats sitting on your bum

I took a few snaps of my walk yesterday, thought you might like to see them. After two weeks of not going very far, I was ready for getting out again. I had another trip to the Lincolnshire Wolds, and a bit more of the Viking Way, starting at Fulford.

Oil seed rape, don't you just love it, it's everywhere, a bugger to walk through though. It's as high as my shoulders, the farmers have to leave the footpath clear through the middle though, but when it grows you fight your way through trying to avoid all the buzzy bees going about their daily business. I came out the other side covered in yellow dust.

On the map it said Medieval Village of East Wykeham and remains of church. Here is the church, a few stones remain standing, just, probably most of it was knocked over by the cows grazing the land. As for the medieval village, a bit disappointing. I was hoping for a few bits of bone lying around, the odd rib or leg bone, maybe the odd cooking pot or two, but nothing. Just a lumpy bumpy field. I think they can cross that one off the next map they print, it aint there no more ;o)

Here is Wykeham Hall, a spooky place if you ask me :-O

At the end of Sandy Lane there are huge stacks of chopped down trees, such a shame to kill a tree. Looks like it has been there for some time, the wood is well weathered with weeds growing over it.

Stacked up bags of what I imagine is some kind of fertiliser. Possibly some of this will end up on our dinner plates. Note to self, make the effort and grow a bit more veg in my garden.

What a novel idea. A big tree comes crashing down, on a very windy day perhaps, don't bother to pick up the massive trunk now laid on the ground. Bring the chainsaw and cut a few chunks out of it, result a very handy seat for any weary traveller to take a rest. Love that idea.

This sad little church made me cry, it is St Helen's at Biscathorpe. The door was open so I looked inside. It's as if time has stood still, everything is old, crumbling, and dusty. There are hymn books and bibles with yellow edged pages which you daren't touch in case they fall apart, an old pedal organ, some of the windows are falling out. Someone has made an attempt to brighten it up with a big silk flower display. The notices on the board are asking for money to keep it going, I fear they are fighting a losing battle.
Outside, the churchyard is covered in buttercups and most of the gravestones are either buried under vegitation of have been stolen, because there aren't many left. But look at the beautiful ornate stonework on the top of the building, how fabulous is that. It stands almost alone apart from a house next door which is empty and has been boarded up. It's in a field, with a narrow road 500 yards away, well off the beaten track. You only get to see these things when you explore by foot. How sad that this church may be left to crumble just like the one at Wykeham.

What a contrast, St Andrews Church at Donington on Bain.

I came across these little fellas in their own little paddock complete with duck pond. They waddled towards me eager to introduce themselves. I had a nice little chat with them. They said, 'wadaya got to eat', and I said, 'who's a pretty boy then'. I think we got our wires crossed somehow, ha ha.

There was a lot of walking along the edges of fields, a lot of them growing next years breakfast.

Someone has left four gigantic soup dishes lying around.

I went for a closer look, the sign on the gate says I am being filmed.

They are covered in grafitti, so much for the cameras. I wonder where thay have come from, they are a heck of a size. Maybe Cyberkim has the answer. Some kind of tracking device maybe?

Just as I got back the sun was beginning to go down. I took this picture from my friends paddock at the back of the church, looking down on the garden of the house behind it. Looks kind of exotic with the palms, that's the river Trent down there.

I really shouldn't have walked so far, trouble is I get carried away and never know when I've had enough before it's too late and I am knackered. 19.5 miles, whew. I thought about my reasons for going walking, it's obvious isn't it, I am creating memories. In fact that's probably the reason why I do most things. Beats sitting on your bum and doing nowt :0) I'll be back tomorrow with some more holiday pics.


  1. 19.5 miles!!! Wow that is some distance. Do you use a stepometer thingy to record your distance? I like walking too but not that far lol. I can't walk through fields as my hay fever is bad enough in suburbia!

    Love those pictures of the churches though..lovely.

  2. Hi Sharon. No I don't use a pedometer, they are not easy to set up and are not very accurate. I use a web site You get the map on the screen and trace out the route with your mouse and it adds it up for you. You can check anything from street map level, walking, cycling, up to long car journeys from one end of the country to the other. It's dead good.

  3. Beautiful little church, such a shame if it crumbles away. Love the look of oilseed rape but it reduces me to a sneezing wreck. Fortunately, we can get straight up the Malvern Hills from here - knees and puff permitting - so I don't encounter it too often.

  4. I love the walk, I'm stuck in all weekend planning lessons for next term! but that is my job.

  5. It's always cool finding stuff like this just lying about. It's like doing Science Fiction Archeology.

    At first glance, although the dishes appeared to be parabolic, they looked too shallow to be anything associated with radio-astronomy.

    A quick bit of Googling revealed the truth. These are the remnants of the radar installation at RAF Stenigot.
    You can get more info at

  6. Thanks Cyberkim. I walked around the Stenigot Estate, and right past the mast it's still there. There are two houses very close to it and I remember thinking it must be awful living next to that, assuming it might be dangerous. The web site says it is only used for training purposes now, so I guess it isn't dangerous, just unsightly. The dishes are at the opposite end of the long piece of land. Very interesting, many thanks.

  7. Hi there
    My name is Linda Patrick and I work for the National Churches Trust. I am in the process of recording every church in Lincolnshire and putting a page on our beautiful Explore Churches website, aimed at promoting churches to visitors. Now I would love to use your picture of St Helens at Biscathorpe. Woudl you give me permission to pop it on our page? Many thanks

    1. Hello linda. Yes, you can use my photo, thanks for asking. I remember the church, many years have passed I wonder if it is still the same. I would love to live in an old church. Best wishes, ilona


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