Friday, 18 June 2010

The grand finale - The Eden Project

The last day. I was glad that I did a short coastal walk at Boswinger when I arrived, again a stunning coastline, because there was a dramatic change in the weather the following morning. I had it in mind to drive to St Mawes, park the car and get the ferry to Falmouth, but with the drop in temperature and the threat of rain for most of the day, I didn't think it would be much fun.

Also the hostel was fully booked for the next night and I hadn't thought about the half term holiday and the increase in children that inevitably brings. We had four very young children in last night who were left to run riot by their parents, I didn't fancy more of that.

So I decided to check out and come home, quit while I was on top. I set off north after breakfast. Then I remembered how close I was going to be to the Eden Project as I went through St Austell. I saw the sign, oh sod it, I'll go there instead. I have been here before about five or six years ago, but it's worth another visit.

It wasn't too busy when I arrived so I got a parking place withing five minutes walking distance from the entrance. The place is that big they have a bus to ferry people from the vast car park at busy times.

The project is the brainchild of Tim Smit, and was fully opened in March 2001. It lies in a redundant china clay pit, and recieved 130 million pounds in funding from private and public sources. There is a tropical biome and a mediteranean biome, linked with a building between them.

The Rainforest Biome is hot and humid, and there are small drinking water fountains scattered around in case anyone starts to feel tired, and alert buttons you can press if you need assistance. It is very draining walking around and it is wise to take a drink in with you.

A waterfall tricking down through the lush undergrowth.

There are over one thousand different plants in here.

A typical decorated truck

and a market stall.

The Mediterranean biome is hot but not quite so humid. I like this exotic yellow and orange plant, made with exhaust pipes.

There are more flowers in here.

and sculpture of animals and people performing a tribal dance.

I love this veg garden, so neat and tidy, in fact it's as perfect as you could get it. Lots of different types of leafy salad plants.

I like the outside sculptures the best, this giant bee is fun.

The robot is made out of junk, mainly small electrical appliances. A thought provoking sculpture from the throwaway world.

This one is made of various pieces of metal, I think it's lovely.

and a reclining lady carved out of a single piece of wood. She is well weathered and the grass is growing around her. Such a clever setting, you turn a corner and there she lies.

It was a good decision to go here as it rained for most of the day. I left the Eden Project at 3.30pm with a long drive ahead of me. A couple of stops on the motorway, a cup of coffee with my sister in Burton upon Trent, and I landed back home at midnight. Total driven 1,075 miles, stayed in some great hostels, met some interesting people, had two flights, went on some boats, did loads of walking, and saw some wonderful sights. Absolutely brilliant.

I have already booked my next holiday, for five days at the end of July, with this company.

You can read about it, I'm going to Yorkshire, not a million miles away but it will be interesting. Toodle pip.


  1. Hi - the humidity is amazing I can't imagine living in constant wet like that, but people do, it's incredible - I've loved your travel blogs xx

  2. Hi Ilona, I have really enjoyed sharing your travels. I feel as if i have been there as well! I'm looking forward to hearing about your Yorkshire holiday, I have spent some lovely times their myself. Jane.


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