Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Lands End and St Michael's Mount

Another day. Now where was I, oh yes, back at Lands End Youth Hostel, the place that boasts a sea view from almost every room. After checking out it was time to have a look at the last place in England, but I was not going to pay the £3 car parking charge they ask for. Instead I drove to Sennen Cove, the next place along the coast, parked my car free in a layby on the main road, and walked to Lands End.

This is Sennen Cove as I approached it from high on the hill top. I walked down to the sea front and followed the path you can see up the hillside into the distance.

Leaving the cove, looking back to where I have come from.

This is Longships Lighthouse at Lands End, it is 1.25 miles out to sea, and has been unmanned since 1967.

Lands End is a bit disappointing, it's like a theme park. The only thing I found of interest was an exhibition telling the history and stories of the land's End to John o Groats challenge, and the different ways people have completed it.
This sign is behind a barrier. You can pay the official photographer to put your home town on the sign and have your photo taken standing by it, or you can snap it as it is for free like most people were doing.

There is the photographer in his little booth reading his paper, waiting for some paying punters.

I spent 75p in the shop and bought myself a souvenir fridge magnet.

I wonder if I will ever join the Lands End & John o Groats Club, ha ha.

Heading back to Sennen Cove on a slightly different route.

My next stop is St Michaels Mount and to see this I must drive past Penzance to Marazion. This is a pretty little town, and I actually found a charity shop there, I bought my friend Sue a pot cat for 75p :-)
Here is St Michaels Mount it's an island connected by a causeway, with a castle on it. I was lucky that the tide was out so I was able to walk across. You can have a boat ride when it's high tide.

This is the little harbour on the island, no water in it at the moment till the tide comes in.

I didn't pay to go into the castle, it's a National Trust property, and I wasn't that bothered about seeing it.
This photo is taken from the island looking back at the mainland. More than 30 people live here in the cottages.

Workmen are repairing the causeway and are only able to work for short bursts before the tide comes back in. You can see the orange safety netting and the pick up truck parked there.

I have a few miles to cover now, I was hoping to visit The Lizard, but time is getting on and I need to check in at the next hostel at Boswinger, not far from Gorran Haven, so I must push on. Driving past Helston and Truro, passing such a lot of interesting places, but no time to stop. I shall have to come back another time.


  1. I agree with you about Land's End, very disappointing! The pics of Sennen Cove reminded me of a long ago holiday in Cornwall and a lovely B&B we stayed at in Sennen - the first place I ever ate pot roast chicken with parsley sauce, smashing.

  2. Sennen Cove and coastal path to Lands End were once my neighbourhood. I lived on the White Horse Caravan Park in Sennen, just north of Lands End. This was 25 years ago. I used to clamber about on the foot paths, barefeet, with my 4 month old daughter strapped to my back. I often sat on the rocks along the coastal paths, breatfeeding my child and loving the scenery. There were no tourists and no litter to spoil the views or our solitude.
    Sadly, those tranquil times are over, down there.

  3. What lovely memories you have of these places, thank you for sharing them here. Yes, it's all a bit commercialised now, a shame really, but you can try and focus on the bits that matter, the natural beauty of the place.

  4. I'm saving up for a holiday in Cornwall!


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