I've left it a bit late to write my report tonight, so I'll do it in the morning. I've had a free night out and got some fab piccies. Here are a couple I took as I was coming home, a fabulous blood red sunset at about 9.50pm.
Using Up the Food and Refilling the Jars
5 hours ago
I love skies - the colour and moods are endless. Your sky is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteWow, that really is beautiful, it didn't look like that here!
ReplyDeleteGod does the best painting.
ReplyDeleteit looks lovely!
ReplyDeleteJosie x
Beautiful isn't it. I crawled on my belly on the edge of a field, I love the way the flash lights up the grasses and corn. God does indeed make the best paintings.
ReplyDeleteWow... that is really impressive... looks like the end of the world almost! And if it's that beautiful... would we mind?