Sunday, 11 July 2010

Re use, re cycle

My legs are aching now. I've been on the go all day on my stand, at Jerry Green's Dog Rescue Open Day. I originally booked the space for the Scrapstore, but as it has closed I thought I might as well use it and take my own stuff to show, and hopefully inspire others.

My friend Lorraine came to help me, which gave me a chance to have a look round the rest of the show. I wasn't away very long though, every step is painfull.

People were very interested and many asked the price of something. They were taken aback when I said they weren't for sale, they are just to demonstrate how rubbish can be recycled in different ways. Most people understood the message behind it, think about what you are throwing away, and can it be used for something else. But a few couldn't see the point. I explained how to make some of the items and suggested that they have a go themselves.

I think there are some people who will never understand the importance of re using, they have got so used to chucking things in the bin and buying another. The only way the message is going to get through is if the whole world either goes bankrupt, or the earth's natural resources are destroyed through climate change. Anyway, I have done my bit, and now I am going to bed. Goodnight.


  1. You are amazing, Ilona! And the stall looks great. What a lot of stuff - you will certainly have given people something to think about. Have a good rest.

  2. You are fab Ilona, you should price a few up next time :) I bet you gave a lot of people something to think about, your stall looks fab.
    twiggy x

  3. some lovely stuff, I know what you mean, since I got involved in Morsbags two years ago, people just don't get it when we say the bags are free!
    have you heard of Morsbags?
    Josie x

  4. Hi Josie.
    I have heard of Morsbags (why do they call them that?) Just been reading the web site. I think I shall be knocking up a few of these in the near future, it will be fun to see the look on people's faces when I give them away.

    I like the ones with the flat bottoms because I feel that the square ones will fall over when they are full of lumpy shopping. I have some sweat shirts I want to get rid of, they will be ideal for this. I also might put an extra piece inside the handle to make them more sturdy.

    Thanks for reminding me about this.

  5. the woman who started the campaign is called Claire Morsman - her surname and bags - hence Morsbags!
    I usually cut out handles 5 inches x 20 inches then there is more to fold over for a thicker handle, the Morsbags pattern says 4 inches but I think its too thin!

  6. Ilona, You are an eco hero, a proper womble, making the most of the things that you find, the things that everyday folk leave behing! keep it up and enjoy it!


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