Tuesday 17 August 2010

My blogger friends and my little furry friends

Thank you all for your kind comments, I'm feeling a bit better today, after a day of reflection. I got on with a few jobs around the house, sewing, repotted some plants, harvesting vegetables and cooking some beetroot.

I had a phone call from Aparajitaa, she said Stephen was cremated yesterday morning, and today she has to collect his ashes. She sounded a bit more composed than she had done previously, it must have been terrible for her the last month, with only her brother to support her. She is a lot younger than Stephen, I met her once in Bahrain, a very level headed girl. I am very gratefull to her for keeping us informed, and for the devotion she has shown to my brother in his hour of need. When she has had time to come to terms with what has happened, she plans to come to England, maybe in the spring of next year. I would like to keep in touch with her, I can show her all the places where Stephen grew up.

Day141, yes that is me and Stephen in the photo, mum used to take us on bus trips to Skegness. Do you like Stephen's rolled up trousers with braces, and my skirt tucked in my pants ;-)

Vicky, I only remember Stephen up to about the age of 18, I left home, and he joined the army. When he came out he got married and lived in Derby, and I came back home for a while, so I saw him a bit more often then. He has not lived in England for about 20 years, it is so easy for families to lose touch.
Billie Jane, I don't need to go to India to say goodbye, I can do it here. I believe that when the spirit leaves the body it goes on a long journey, and can re appear anywhere.

And so, for the rest of the week I am busy with dogs, a welcome distraction, life goes on. I have Teddy here with me at the moment, isn't he lovely, so cute.

Later I will walk Teddy and Ben together, they get on well. I took this photo of Ben last week.

Wednesday afternoon Jessica is coming for a sleepover, Henry is coming for two sleepovers Friday and Saturday, and on Saturday Lady will need walking as well. Next week I will have some free time, I think I will go hostelling.

I thought you might like to see some of my re potting. These are an old pair of work boots, fill them with compost and put a couple of plants in them. They are sitting outside my front door now.

Once again, thank you all for being there for me, my coping mechanism is to keep busy, and make every day count. You can't change what has already happened, but you can sure as hell change what is ahead of you.


  1. Glad to hear your holding up Ilona and getting on with things. Keeping buys sounds like a good idea. I could tell it was you in the photo :-) Your right about losing touch with family members, it's not just distance too, some of my relations I only see at Christmas yet they only live 5 mile away! Time goes so fast sometimes doesn't it. ps. Lovin' the Boot Plants :-)

  2. Families do lose touch, even if they are not large ones... life is busy and people get on with doing stuff and the time just flies by... I love Teddy... he looks just like his name... half dog half teddy bear!

  3. Yes good advice.
    You realise how important families are as you get older I think.

  4. Hi Ilona,

    I am doing a talk and presentation at the Sunrise Off-Grid Festival in Somerset this weekend, mostly about no-dig gardening but also including ways of making useful things for the garden and growing food in small spaces. I would love to include your 'greenhouse' made from pallets and clingfilm and the pictures on the display board I am making. Would that be ok? Of course I will credit you and mention your blog!

    So sorry about your brother. I have been reading your blog for ages and love your enthusiasm!

    Can't find a way of emailing you directly!


  5. I meant to say; "and the pictures of your vegetables grown in washing up bowls etc."

    Sorry, was distracted by a sudden downpour of rain.

  6. Steph, go ahead, use anything you want from the blog. Passing on ideas is what it's all about. We all have to make an effort to look after the planet.

  7. Very pleased to hear you are getting along okay today Ilona. Distractions are definately the way to go. Loving your walking boot pots lol.

  8. Good to read that you found a way to cope with your loss. The dogs will keep you occupied.
    The shoe plants are fab.

  9. Pleased to hear you and keeping busy Ilona which of course keeps your mind busy. Love the plants in the boots♥ You are always full of great ideas. Take care Linda xxx


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