Saturday, 23 October 2010

Afternoon tea with a friend

I went to Brigg this afternoon to visit a friend. I haven't seen her for a while so it was nice to have a cuppa and a natter. Georgia is 80 and still very fit and active, she regularly plays golf and drives herself about. She told me all about the holiday she recently had in Ireland, she met up with her three sisters all in their eighties, and had a wonderful time. I do admire her energy.

While I was there I also had a browse round the charity shops. I found these pretty curtains which will make lovely shopping bags. The fabric is that blackout material which is quite thick.

They were £3 which I don't mind paying to the RSPCA shop as I know the money will stay with the local branch. I'll make a start on them tomorrow.


  1. Lovely fabric and a great find. Looking forward to seeing the bags.

  2. Very cheerful colours. Should make very nice bags, indeed!

  3. Wonderful to hear stories like Georgia who obviously keeps herself fit and active. Love the material, such happy colours and will make great bags:) Linda xxx

  4. WOW I hope I'm half as fit an active as those great gals when I'm their age!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.