Friday, 8 October 2010

Coming to the end of the veg

I thought I would do a little garden update here, as it's coming towards the end of the growing season. Although I haven't put much effort into it this year, I have still managed to put quite a lot of home grown veg on my plate, even though there has not been a lot of variety.

I was out earlier searching for a few spuds for my dinner, and found a few. I think there might be some more, so I will dig the beds over again in case I have missed some. I pulled some carrots which were quite small, there is enough for two meals and I might get enough for another meal if I carefully sort through the remainder. The courgettes have finished now, I got quite a lot from just one plant.

All the beans have gone now, even with only ten plants I have had masses of them, and put some in the freezer. I have loads of yellow tomatoes, far too many in fact. I have been giving them away to my neighbours and friends, to be honest I am sick of them. I don't like chutney so that's out, I will freeze some of them to put in my winter stews.

Beetroot has been a success this year and I still have more to pull up and cook, but the raddishes were hopeless so I won't be bothering with them again. Now it's time to start clearing the beds, and covering them for the winter so the cats can't get on them.

Even though I didn't spend much time in the veg garden, and there hasn't been a big choice, it has still saved me a lot of money, because I have been delaying going shopping and making do with what I have got. Keeping it simple has definately worked for me, more time to go out and enjoy myself.


  1. Rather than covering/protecting the garden, have you thought about growing leeks, onions and/or garlic over the winter? I have found these to be the easist things to grow - they can moreorless be left to get on with it.

    Leeks are perfect for the freezer and for use later on in soup (leek & potato is one of my favourites) and stock. They are economic too if you have seedlings to transplant now from seeds sewn in the spring.

    Onion sets, shallots and garlic are still available in garden centres (around here anyway). I favour Radar onions which store well but I avoid Japanese Onions which don't.

    But perhaps you know all this .....


  2. A lot of my veg has also come to an end - the summer stuff like squash and the beans but I now have brussels and cabbage and cauliflower to look forward to... am planting my garlic as Brian mentioned above and will probably only 'rest' one of my beds until next year. It takes getting your head around it but you can have something growing all year round if you plan it right.

  3. That's something we plan to do here, when the jungle is cleared :D

  4. Thank you Brian, that's a good idea.


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