Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Every last one

Boohoo :o( This is the last of my spuds and carrots which I dug up yesterday.

I was determined to get every last one, even though the smallest carrots are less than an inch long. Every one counts towards a meal, they will make a lovely stew with some onions and pulses. Now I've got to start buying them. Still got some beetroot left though :o)


  1. Well done I bet you saved a bomb! I am still on a very long list for an allotment but it will be worth it.

  2. Great harvest... the little one's often taste the best!

  3. Well, this does look fine to me. Every little amount helps in the longrun!

  4. We applaud the cuteness factor of your carrots. A bonus from your frugality in growing your own. What variety are they so we can try them here next year? Thanks!

  5. Sorry, can't help you with the carrot variety, Thissideofgaudy. I had several packets of seeds which I scattered on a raised bed, so I can't tell you which ones grew and which didn't. My slapdash way of gardening ;o)

  6. Oh, well,I will just have to experiment. Sounds like fun! My gardening is a bit haphazard, too.


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