'The test done at the session indicated that you might have had a low haemoglobin level'. Strange, I was told I did have a low haemoglobin level.
'After reviewing your results I am pleased to report that your haemoglobin level is normal'. Well that's alright then.
'Your haemoglobin, on the day of the session, was in the normal range but just below the level for giving a donation. As you know, we must allow a safety margin to ensure that the haemoglobin level does not drop below after normal'. Ok I understand that.
'Our records show that this has happened a few times. With this in mind, we think it best to stop calling you to the donor sessions, at least for the time being. We could review this after a year or so, and please let us know if you would like to start receiving session invitation letters again'. Oh, so does that mean I can't donate now, or I can donate when I feel like it, or should I just receive the letters then think about it, or will they tell me if they run short and my donation will be welcomed? Or maybe in a year they will change the goal posts and I will once again be able to donate? I will wait and see what happens.
Today I took my car into my one man band mechanical repair man who works on his own, so he could take it for it's MOT and put right anything that needed doing. I left it with him and as it was a nice day I walked nine miles back home. Here are a few photo's I took along the way.
I love these shiny pipework factory thingys, when the sun shines on the stainless steel and it all looks sparkling new. The yellow bits add a bit of interest. Fascinating to look at, I often wonder what is whizzing through all those pipes. This is a BOC plant, doesn't it look pretty?

So what did Simon charge me? Two link rods for £24.16. The whole bill was £104 76 including MOT and labour and vat. He doesn't do MOT's so he had to take it to the test station. My goodness, there's one heck of a difference in price there. Just goes to show, find a man who knows his stuff with cars, who works by himself with low overheads, and stick with him.
That's a good deal for an MOT by any reckoning.
ReplyDeleteI bet mine won't be half as palateable when I take "The Tractor" in next month.