Friday, 22 October 2010

Military operation

I am not the best of timekeepers, I am usually late for everything, 'can't be bothered' is my catch phrase. But for the last couple of days I have been swamped with doggies that need feeding, walking, and attending to their toilet requirements. The only timetables they work to is the food that goes in one end, and the cr8p that comes out of the other, so it is imperative that I turn up on time. To keep my doggies happy this has been my timetable.

11am - collect Ben, walk for 1 hour, bring him back here.
2.15pm - a quick walk round the block with Ben 20 mins.
3pm - go and pick up Ollie and Alfie from round the corner, walk for 1 hour. drop them back at their house.
5.30pm - another quick walk for Ben and give him his dinner.
6.15pm - back to Ollie and Alfie, quick walk 20 mins, and feed them at their house.
Then get my dinner, a stew I prepared earlier.
9.30pm - Ben's bed time walk, half an hour, he is staying at my house.
10pm - Ollie and Alfies bed time walk, 1 hour, they are staying at their house.

7.30am - let Ben out onto the back garden for his toilet, have a cup of coffee and a small bowl of bran flakes.
8am - take Ollie and Alfie out for their first walk, 1 hour.
9.15am - take Ben out for a walk, half an hour, and drop him back at his house.
10am - drive to Henry's house, take him for a 1 hour walk, and play with him in the back garden, get home at 12.15pm. Grab a bite to eat.
12.45pm - take Ollie and Alfie out for a 1 hour walk.
2pm - call in at the shop on the way home and grab a bottle of wine, phew, I need it, ha ha


  1. Good good, you must be exhausted now. Enjoy the wine!!

  2. I also like the new look of the blog!

  3. Thank you Sarina, I got fed up of the picture and changed it, then the colours didn't work so I changed them as well, then I shortened the sub title because it was too long winded.

  4. Gosh, Ilona you must be fit - and tired! Lucky dogs to have such attention.


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