Saturday, 30 October 2010

Sshhhh, dont say a word

I felt like being a bit quiet yesterday so I didn't post, hope you don't mind. I like some quiet days, no particular reason, just want to reflect on life.

I watched a very interesting programme called The Big Silence, it was about five volunteers who went to Worth Abbey in Sussex to learn the value of silent meditation. Then they stayed at the retreat, St Beuno's in North Wales for eight days, where they lived in complete silence. Or they should have done, there was a bit of whispering going on as some of them found it hard going.

Abbot Christopher Jamison was the Benedictine Monk who was in charge. He said silence is the gateway to the soul, and the soul is the gateway to God. The volunteers were all looking for a more spititual dimension to their lives because they thought there was something missing. They were hoping to make silence a part of their everyday lives.

Abbot Jamison said something that struck a chord with me. he said, 'When we enter periods of silence, we start to see things with greater clarity. we come to know ourselves, and get in touch with the deepest part of ourselves. That is our soul'.

I am drawn to walking alone in the countryside because of the quietness of it. So peacefull, alone with my thoughts. I am not a religeous person, I do not believe in God, but I do believe that everyone has a soul. For me, to be at peace with yourself means turning inwards, with no outside influences to confuse and cloud your judgements. I could easily spend time in a retreat because I could live inside my head with only my thoughts for company. I would like to try it one day.


  1. I watched the programme too and it struck a chord with me. I think nowadays there is just too much noise. My 16 yr old son had his IPod permenantly attached to him, he listens to music from when he wakes up to when he goes to sleep. I do like quiet but I thought it might be lonely too if you did not speak to someone for a long time.

  2. The Abbot's observation that "silence is the gateway to the soul" combines with your excellent description of country walks to strike a chord here. My experience as a professional gardener and recent retirement have taught me the difference between inner and outer worlds becomes less distinct on such walks. My compliments on your enjoyable and instructive blog.


  3. Great title! I'm in the team too, so I will stop by more often :)

  4. I`ve always had some quiet time to myself. If it`s walking alone, gardening or crafting. Even my cooking lets me have that bit of time. It`s deffinately therapeutic. We all could do with it from time to time. It balances our lives.

  5. Sue, when I was 16 I was Beatles mad and listened to all the pop programmes on the radio. I think it's an age thing, your son will grow out of it.

    Hello Traveling Hawk, nice to meet you.

    Thank you for your kind words, Geo, you share my love of the outdoors.

    Sarina, you work so hard, I'm glad you get a bit of 'me' time.

    I'm going to make time for a lot more silence in my life. I want to search deep down inside and meet my soul, and fall in love with it. When my body is tired and worn out, my soul will fly away and I will forever be in heaven.

  6. Awwwww..may your body not wear out and your soul not fly away for a long time yet, I would miss your humorous and interesting blog too much. Long live Dear Ilona!!


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