Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Thank you Sir Norman

Just a short post, to say how sad it is that Sir Norman Wisdom passed away last night. Such a wonderfully funny man, and a great entertainer. One of the greatest comedians of all times.

I saw him briefly when I worked on Blackpool Pleasure Beach 40 years ago. He brought his family for a ride on the Log Flume, which was opposite the waffle stall I was on. He was laughing and joking as usual, and when they came off they were quite wet, which added to the hilarity.

Thank you Sir Norman, I loved your humour.


  1. I absolutely loved Sir Norm, he was such a great entertainer and clean too, he could sing wonderfully aswell. He was so funny to watch and you felt quite at ease to let the children and Granny watch his films and know it was OK. It's lovely that you got to see him Ilona, if only briefly. When ever I hear his name I think "Mr Grimsdale". Quite right too, Thank you Sir Norman.

  2. I second all of the above. Such wonderful films and such contagious laughter... just the mention of his name makes me want to smile.

  3. A classic he was. The only man to make me cry with laughter once when I was sat watching one of his films. RIP Sir Norman, you have earnt your place in heaven tenfold. x

  4. I second all of the above. Watching his helpless infectious laughter was a tonic in a rather bleak post-war childhood. He always got the girl at the end of the movie. I think I saw him in panto at Golders Green when I was little but saw all his movies.

  5. I once met Norman in Brighton, as he was visiting his son that run a sports shop, here.
    I was in the shop with my eldest son, to buy some cricket whites for him. Norman was there and entertained us with his funny walk, had a
    bunter with my son, and was such a delight.
    He shall be missed by many generations that admired his clowning.


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