Tuesday, 26 October 2010

You big baby ;o)

I had forgotten how hard beansprouts were to eat when I bought a Value bag of stir fry on Friday night at Tesco. It was reduced to 50p, a bargain not to be missed. My diet consists of a lot of out of date items which have had their prices dramatically slashed. If I had waited another half an hour I could have probably got my stir fry for less, that's if it hadn't been snapped up by another bargain snatcher. I didn't take the chance and was happy with the 50p. I can get three meals out of this, I thought, as I put it in my trolly.

Last night I cooked my stir fry in a large saucepan, starting it off in olive oil, and adding any flavourings that came to hand. Tomato paste, grainy mustard, lemon juice, garlic granules, black pepper, and turmeric. I can't be bothered standing over it continually stirring with a wooden spoon, so I added some water and let it simmer while I went off and did other things. At this point it usually turns into some kind of stew.

After 20 minutes I dished up a portion into a bowl and sat down to enjoy it in front of the computer. As I started to chomp away I didn't seem to be making much headway, it was taking ages to break it down into smaller pieces. At this rate it was going to take a long time to finish it, and my poor stomach would be protesting loudly as I demanded that it do the work that my teeth were supposed to be doing.

Only one thing for it, stick it in the blender and mush it up. I added a drop of boiling water from the kettle to improve the consistency, but bingo, it worked, and it tastes lovely. I had two bowls of my baby food last night, and I have this third bowl in the fridge which I shall microwave for lunch, with a few chunks of out of date crusty bread. Just the job on a chilly autumn day.


  1. You just cannot beat soup, I like it just like that, thick, but with no lumps. Amazing what the family will eat when it's disguised as soup LOL

  2. You and your exploits never cease to amaze me you are so inventive!!

    Thank you for your comments re OH. He is a little better today thankfully.

  3. That`s the ticket. Never be afraid to experiment with food! That looks very nice.

  4. Even cheaper, Ilona - sprout your own! No special equipment, and you can produce as many as you like - big jam jar, thin layer of dried mung beans)/aduki beans (whatever you have - not kidney beans) soak for 12 hours, drain, then rinse and drain twice a day and keep them on the window sill. After 2/3 days they will sprout - eat. x

  5. Yum! Will be trying this. It sounds delish with all those spices added. You are very creative as well as frugal.


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