Saturday, 18 December 2010

The arty bag is ready

I'm going to be a bit of a tease now, I have finished customising the first canvas bag for the exhibition at the 20 21 Arts Centre, but.......I am not going to post the pictures till tomorrow, he he. I must say it has turned out great, I am well chuffed.

A little clue, all the additions to the bag have been made out of fused plastic carrier bags, further illustrating the point of using environmentally friendly bags over throwaway plastic. Although this isn't a competition, I hope I can hold my own when my bag is displayed alongside the bags customised by 'proper artists'.

Now I need to think of another idea for the second bag. Catch you tomorrow.


  1. I`m sure you can hold your own as an artist alongside any other. Why not make a cracker of a bag? X- mas cracker, that is.

  2. Hi Ilona, I'm just catching up with your blog after my absence from blogland. That sure is a big tree in your old garden LOL. Di you plant it when you lived there? A few years ago I went and hada look at the first house I ever brought in 1986. I planted a conifer near the front door that was tiny. It was over 6ft when I went back around 20 yrs later! Mind you it was about 10" when I planted it LOL.

  3. Can't wait to see it !!
    twiggy x


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