Thursday, 2 December 2010

Keeping an 'Eye' on things

Welcome aboard Merlin Entertainments Flight 18112010 to Ecstasy. This is your captain speaking. We shall be flying to a height of 135 metres and our journey will take approximately 30 minutes. Please make yourself comfortable in one of our pods, where you will enjoy panoramic views over London, extending to twenty five miles in all directions.

Before take off I will give you some facts and figures of our beautiful craft, so that you may marvel at it's perfection. It took the skills of hundreds of people from five countries to build the London Eye. It can carry 800 passengers per revolution. Each of the 32 capsules weighs 10 tonnes. The total weight of the wheel and capsules is 2,100 tonnes. It is the fourth tallest structure in London, after the BT Tower, Tower 42, and One Canada Square in Canary Wharf. We fly an average of 3.5 million customers every year.
Now we are ready for take off. Please don't lean against the doors, and no smoking is allowed. Be ready to disembark when we land, but don't attempt to leave the capsule untill instructed to do so by the flight attendant. Enjoy your journey.

To the right you can see the Golden Jubilee Bridge with the boats passing underneath it.

As we start to gain height you can see the adjacent pod below us.

As you look to the left of the bridge you can see Charing Cross Station and the Playhouse.

In the distance you can see the Post Office Tower.

Don't look down or you might be sick :0)

As you look across the city the views are wonderful.

To the left of Charing Cross is the Royal Horseguards Hotel and the Banqueting House, Whitehall.

Looking further along Victoria Embankment is the MP's offices, Portcullis House, and Westminster Pier.
And there is the Palace of Westminster, the Houses of Parliament, and Big Ben, in all it's glory. I'm sure you will agree that this is a magnificent building.

Please spend a few minutes to take your souvenir photo's, as this trip is an experience to treasure for the rest of your life. Of course we hope this is not the last time we see you, and that you will fly again with us.

Now you are at the top of the world, a quick wave to your fellow travellers in the next pod.

There you can see St Pauls Cathedral and the Gherkin.

We will be landing shortly so please gather your belongings together. It has been a pleasure to fly you today, enjoy the rest of your stay in our wonderful capital city.


  1. Excellent.
    (At least that flight wasn't delayed by volcanic ash

  2. No runway closure due to snow, either.

  3. what fun! thanks for sharing the ride!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.