I can't seem to catch up with things, I've got loads to do, my fault for keep skiving off. You should see the state of the house and garden, I'm all behind. The cooker and microwave need cleaning, washing wants doing, carpets need Dysoning, and I can't see out the windows.
I have made a start on the seed sowing, but I need to get some more hoss muck and compost for the raised beds. I spotted a pile of soil in the churchyard where they have dug a couple of graves, wonder if they will let me have some of that. Must ask Graham the gardener.
I've been slacking a bit on the litter picking so I had a session this morning. I took two bags out with me and went into the woods at the back of the church. There is a path that goes along the backs of the houses, and a snicket, or ginnel, or whatever you like to call it, which goes from the road with all the posh houses, down to the woods. It's a polular dog walking route. I could see that there was quite a lot of rubbish been thrown from the path, down the bank into the woods, so I scrambled down there and filled my bags.
I was disgusted to see a wrecked TV set, a big piece of yellow plastic from a childs toy, loads of bottles and cans, and masses of bags of dog poo. Some people really are the pits. I was so mad about it that I picked it all up and hauled the rubbish back up the bank and left it in a big pile on the foot path so everyone could see it. I will leave it there for a few days, hoping it will make a few people feel a bit guilty, but I won't hold my breath.
I was hoping to get a free health check today. It was advertised in the free paper, they were having the sessions in the library, so I turned up at 2pm. Sorry, I was told, 'we have had that many people come along that we can't take any more, some have been waiting for an hour and a half '. They did it last Thursday but I wasn't here, and they will be doing it again next Tuesday, and I won't be here because I am going away again. Boohoo :o( I can't have a free health check.
Yesterdays bag is up for sale in the Arts Centre, and they have sold another cat food pouch bag. I have started on another, I can't churn them out quick enough.
I was hoping to get a map for my trip next week, but the library didn't have the one I wanted, neither did WH Smiths or Millets, so it's looks like I will have to print it off the internet. Another job to do.
I was on the phone this morning to Severn Trent Water, and Anglian Water, we have two suppliers here for the water and sewerage. My enquiry was because I think I have been paying to much to Severn Trent, they should have reduced my payments when I had a water meter fitted by Anglian, and they didn't. With a bit of luck they will owe me some money. Keeping my fingers crossed.