Monday, 7 November 2011

Off bimbling again

I'm almost ready for the off, boots greased, map sorted, chuck a few bits and bobs in a bag, and fill the cool box in the morning. Tomorrow I'm off to Eyam in Derbyshire. There is quite a bit of history about this place, mainly to do with the Plague in 1665. It should be interesting.

I have made a big pan of veggie stew to take with me, so that's my dinners sorted for two nights. It'll be Value beans on toast for breakfast, and Value tuna fish in my sandwiches for lunch. I will be self catering so it won't cost me a penny in food. When I booked the hostel they said I was the only booking they had, so you never know, I might have the place to myself. Can't be bad at £10 a night.

A bit of good news, today Janet and me did a home check for our kitty rescue. We couldn't fault the place at all, not near a busy road, enclosed garden, owner loves cats and has had them before. He lives with his girlfriend so two people in the house, the cat won't be left for long periods of time. He has shown an interest in Elmo, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that he will be the one they choose when they come to view. We will know at the weekend.

Anyway this base station is closing down untill Thursday night. I am not taking the netbook because the minimum I can load the dongle with is £10, and then I can't guarantee there will be a signal in the Derbyshire Peaks. I promise to take lots of photo's and make lots of notes, so if you can hang on for a few days, the whole story will appear here. Behave yourselves while I'm gone, and last one leaving turn the light out. Toodle pip.


  1. Enjoy and I look forward to hearing all about it.

  2. Awesome! I'm jealous! Have a great time. :)

  3. hope you enjoy the break and the weather holds for you

  4. Have fun and stay warm. We'll look for your stories and pics when you get back.

  5. You will enjoy Eyam,we were there this year and it is interesting to read the history of the place.The Peak District is a beautiful place in it's self so I am sure you will have a wonderful time up there.

    Looking forward to hearing all about it...


  6. OMG would any us us DARE to leave the light on!

    Safe journey Ilona, enjoy your break.

  7. Have a great time. Looking forward to seeing the photos as always.

  8. Enjoy your trip away, looking forward to seeing your pictures and hearing all about it. Safe journey. Regards, Christy

  9. Back in the 70s I remember a tv programme called The Roses of Eyam - the Plague was recorded and the accounts are fascinating.
    Sounds like a great getaway.

  10. A bit late now but please say hello to Staffordshire for me, particularly the area you're visiting as I didn't live far from there.

    Have a great time and I hope you enjoy your walking. Have you ever visited Thor's Cave on the former milk rail track from Ecton to Waterhouses?

    Look forward to seeing your pictures and, no, won't leave the light on.

  11. Im not far from Eyam either - do you know how to pronounce it? A lot of people get it wrongs - it's "eem" (to rhyme with beam)! It would be fab if you had the whole hostel to yourself!

    Eyam is a lovely little very and it doesn have interesting history. There is a museum their and the famous Riley Graves. The weather in these parts has been rather grim this week so I hope it improves for you over the next day or two!

    I look forward to hearing about your adventures soon :)

  12. Do go to the little museum in Eyam, it is very interesting. Have a good walk!

  13. Bon voyage!
    Love from Mum

  14. Peak District is one of my favourite places. As others have suggested have a look at the museum in Eyam. Also like Castleford, an interesting information centre there. Have a great time. Sally

  15. Have a great time! We drove past Eyam YHA on one of our trips. Love the towers, very castle ish!

    I found the museum there about the plague very interesting.

    Sft x

  16. Have a wonderful time Ilona and look forward to reading all about your trip and of course photos. Derbyshire my home patch♥ Take care:) Linda xxx

  17. Have a great trip , look forward to hearing about it on your return . You would have been proud of my shopping trip last night . Bought 2 posh vegetarian meals reduced from £2.49 to 65 pence each and a large bag of salad reduced from £1.99 to 25 pence . A total of £1.55 for the 3 items but the meals were on a multiple buy offer so another £1.48 was deducted from the total . My shopping came in at a grand total of 7 pence !!! . I paid my money and held my head high as I walked out of the door :)


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