Sunday, 26 February 2012


Sunday night and it's almost midnight, not long back. It's been a family day today, stayed with eldest nephew last night, and his fiance and their gorgeous little boy. Today been for a walk with them, and my sister, around a marina, called in a coffee shop for cappuccino and cake, then met up with sisters hubby and we all had a late lunch out. Very enjoyable. Then called in to see uncle and aunty before coming home. Busy day.

I've had two fantastic days walking, even though it was a little bit scary getting lost in Sherwood Forest in the dark without a torch, but that's a story for tomorrow. I'll get the photo's sorted. Goodnight, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite :o)


  1. I feel two things whenever you return..relief that you are home safely, and excitement at the prospect of a great story and good pics!
    Jane x

  2. Oh dear, I am glad you're home, safe and sound. I'm starting back to walking...tomorrow. I am aiming for: daily indoor exercises of warm-up stretching, light weight reps, a bit of yoga...and walking 3+ miles 3x weekly. I am so looking forward to seeing your pics, as always. Love them. ;o)

  3. Welcome home..Looking forward to your pictures

  4. Glad you're back safe and sound. Looking forward to seeing the pics as always.
    Linda xx

  5. Hi have just found your blog and love it. I live in the East Midlands and will be looking forward to reading more

  6. Just when you need a man in green tights, they're nowhere to be seen!

  7. Kath just made me giggle! Lost in a forest without a torch - whatever next Ilona?

  8. Sounds like you had some adventure. Can`t wait to see the pics!

  9. Good for you Eileen, your exercise plan sounds a good idea. Stick with it girl.

    Welcome anonymous, glad you have arrived.


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