Thursday, 9 February 2012

Normal service is resumed

Just look at my scrumptious, mouth watering, and incredibly healthy dinner tonight. Boy it's great to get back to normality, after my voluntary eating everything in the cupboard and freezer excercise. Some of the meals might have been a bit unconventional, but I am still alive to tell the tale. I think Kath was getting rather worried about me, ha ha.

So what have we here. Salad leaves, mangetout peas, ordinary peas, carrots, mushrooms, and the last salmon portion which needed to be eaten as it had defrosted a little in the makeshift fridge in the garden. Topped with three splodges of mayo. Now that's what I call a proper meal. The vegetables are steamed and the fish grilled. Do you know you wouldn't be able to get this in a restaurant, and if by any chance you could get something similar it would cost a ridiculous price. Home cooking has got to be best all round.

As you can see the fridge is full again, look at those lovely yellow stickers. Cheap cheap cheap :o)

A good assortment of tins to keep me going into the next four week period of my experiment. I have added this shopping to the list in the Food Diary by the way.

It's a good job I went shopping last night because we have more snow. It is coming down as I type. I might not have been able to get to the shops if I had left it any longer. A good decision. However, I have got to dig the car out tomorrow because I am taking some friends to the railway station, that's if the train is still running, there may be snow on the line, ha ha.

Once again thank you to all my lovely blogger friends who pop in from time to time. You say such lovely things. Crystal Mooncat has commented that she has had a reply from Purina, after telling them about my bag made from a dog food bag. Thank you for that, I'll let you know if they get in touch with me. Practical Parsimony has told me how to cook the black eyed peas, thank you, I will try that. If it doesn't work I'm going to buy a pea shooter, ha ha.

I have another hostel trip booked, this time one night at Sherwood Forest hostel near the end of the month, I'm going to see Robin Hood and his merry men, ha ha. Another cheap £10 per night offer. Toodle pip, catch you tomorrow.


  1. I have been reading your blog for some months, enjoying your writing about your frugal life and loving your trips, especially the photos. I live in Australia but have visited UK a couple of times. The first time I stayed at the Youth hostel in Sherwood Forest. It was very new then- 2000- and lovely. There was an ensuite in our room. I was disappointed with Sherwood forest. It was very open, not like the dense forest I imagined from Robin Hood stories at all. Anyway, i hope you enjoy the trip.

  2. You can't beat fresh veggies. So when are you heading to the forest Maid Marion?
    Jane x

  3. well done MQ - your fridge now looks back to normal - yellow stickers everywhere.
    Theres nothing like living on next to nothing to make you appreciate the good stuff.

  4. That looks a more comfortable state of affairs.

  5. You salmon topped salad looks lovely! Good for you to replenish your stocks with such little cost. Wish we had such awesome marked downs!

  6. I love the way your meals are still steaming when you photo them, they look very warming - and I think today's looks scrummy :0)

    How long will you keep the fruit and veg beyond it's 'use-by' date? I don't worry about most veg but salad leaves sometimes get slimy.

    Enjoy Sherwood Forest, I bet it'll be a lot cheaper than what my sis is paying to stay at the Center Parcs there!

  7. Great to see a full fridge again. Even better with all those yellow stickers!

  8. By the way, you can make a recipe called Hopping John with the blackeyed peas. It is a traditional recipe. Just google it and find a recipe you like. I have never had it and will not eat it. It looks like something you might like. Hopping John will make you a more complete meal. You won't be sitting there with a pot of peas, wondering what to fix with them.

    To my taste, blackeyed peas would be good made into a dip of some sort.

  9. Wow, looks like a feast. Good to see you've stocked up on rice pudding haha!

    Glad you've booked another trip away. I always enjoy reading about your travels. Hope my pictures haven't been making you think too much of Summer ;)

  10. My sister works in Asda, and picked up a cake when the store closed, reduced to 5p! Yum!

    I know you like youth hostels, but did you know that Travelodge are doing rooms for £10 from April to August? You have to be pretty flexible with dates, but yeah, if you fancy a change that's an option.

    I just love Nottingham and I do like Sherwood forest. The great oak is so amazingly old. It nearly died a few years ago, and all the old branches are held up with scaffolding. It's great! :D

    If you go off the beaten track you do end up in some dense forest.. And if you're like me, get lost and have to find your way back in the dark!

  11. Nice to see you eating properly again Ilona. I was starting to worry about you. Maa

  12. What a relief to see real food on your plate. Well done.

    We had snow last night too, just as well I had been shopping the day before.

  13. Hoppin' john is black-eyed peas and rice -- a recipe from the southern US. You could put in onion, etc, but I like it plain with black pepper. Cornbread is good with it. Of course, corn bread is just good. LOL.

    Renee :)


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