Monday, 30 April 2012

More Flamborough and a tale of two dogs

I didn't realise that Flamborough was such a popular place. Thank you for all your lovely comments, and don't forget to visit ChrisJ at She's a little bit obsessed, ha ha. Here are a few more pics for the Flam Fans.

Well, today has been completely different from yesterday weatherwise. It's been gloriously hot and sunny. Me and Henry and Rocky went for a long walk, it was lovely to see the two dogs getting on so well and having a great time. We had a picnic at the bench on the village green at Flixborough. They had some doggy meaty chunks, and I had some grapes.

Then Rocky disappeared into a field of Oil Seed Rape, and was gone for several minutes. He likes to chase pheasants but never catches any. When he eventually did come out he was a little bit wet.

Henry had a swim in a water logged ditch, but soon dried off in the sun. 'This smells interesting. Get off, I found it first.'

Twas a lovely day for a walk. Hope it was nice where you are.


  1. It was very nice here too, but also very windy still which I hate! I had to go to work and such though so no time for walkies for me - it looks like Henry and Rocky enjoyed their walk.

    Flamborough definitely looks like a great place to explore.

  2. Freezing cold here today, Ilona. The woodstove is keeping us warm though.
    Your photos of Flamborough were stunning. I've always fancied living in a light house...oh but those stairs would make me dizzy.
    Jane x

  3. You do post some fantastic pictures but what makes me smile the most is that little dog getting out and being loved.
    You are a lovely woman. X

  4. I was going to say just what Sarah said. I'm glad Rocky is happy.

  5. You are a good soul to have such compassion towards the pooches, especially your neighbor pup.

  6. We`ve had rain, rain and more rain. Guess what? It`s rain again today. Nice pictures of your walk.

  7. There is something really beautiful about all the fields of Oil Seed Rape. Such an intense yellow and really mesmerizing. x x x

  8. What would Rockydog do without you MQ ?
    He is clearly 'yours' in all but name.

  9. Blimey its gale force winds and rain here. Blimmin freezing. Lovely blog as always

  10. Wonderful pics as usual Ilona. Just a cautionery tip about oil seed rape. Apparently it can cause respitory problems with dogs. Have stopped my dog running through it. So lovely to see the pooches having such a carefree romp together.

  11. Glad that you had some sun too, back to rain again today though.

  12. A pleasure to have stumbled on your posts with an intro to Flamborough and penny pinching ways to beat the rat race. Sun for several hours yesterday, rain again this morning and clearing up now. Enjoyed the virtual walk with you and the dogs.

  13. Such lovely photos Ilona. Very inspiring.

  14. Love the shells (are they limpets?) on the rocks. Also the lighthouse with the gorse in the foreground.

  15. The pictures are so beautiful and the dogs look like they had a blast!


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