Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Good for a laugh

Just popping in, it's a bit late. I've been out tonight to give a Meanqueen - Money Saving - Super Scrimper - Tightest Person - Skinflint - Cheapskate - Penny Pinching talk, to a group of ladies in Cleethorpes. I have to say it was hilarious. I had 'em laughing their little socks off, they were rolling in the aisles. I really enjoyed myself. A free night out for me with drink and biscuits thrown in. They covered my travel expenses and also a donation for the rescue cats. I think most of them will be following my money saving tips from now on, ha ha. Toodle pip. Catch you tomorrow.


  1. Good on you, I wish I was near enough to meet you and experience the magnificence of the Mean Queen/super scrimper that you are!

  2. A good time all round then!
    Jane x

  3. Brilliant, it's nice that you share your knowledge......and your zest for life. And the kittys benefit too, sounds like a fantastic way to spend an evening.

    Sue xx

  4. Hi Ilona Just shows how many things in life are still free a good laugh being one of them. Regards Jean

  5. Ilona, Your Blog is amazing - I absolutely love it!!! I love your commitment and shear determination to save save save :)I was trying to find and email address for you but couldn't?

  6. I would like to ask you a question if I may? How do you get invited to talk at these events? Do organizations contact you and how do they get your name? Just curious. Sounds like you had a great time and you entertained those women and gave them some good advice. It also sounds like you had fun doing it too.

  7. Good for you Ilona, spread the word.

  8. Stardom, stardom. You'll have to do a tour around the country with a speech and free sleepover at every stop. You'll fill all the venues.
    Love from Mum

  9. Wish I'd known I would have come along as a mean queen groupie. Let us know if you are in the area again.

  10. I live not far away and would have loved to have come like sal the groupie.

  11. Just stopped by to say hallo. I have been a bit tardy lately. Glad to find you on good form.

  12. Hi Savemekate. My blog address is on the side bar, under the heading 'I am here' Change the dot to . and the at to @ It's in disguise to stop spammers. Glad you like the blog.

    I am sorry if any local people missed me, Sal and deb. My fault. I tend to write about things I have done, rather than things I am going to do.


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