Friday, 11 May 2012

Make a free shopping bag

Hey, look at me, another post tonight. Well I cheated a bit with that last one, writing about something that happened yesterday, so here is something 'fresh'. What I did today. I have a collection of plastic bags. I save them as they might come in usefull, mainly for packing up lunch to take out, or bagging up part used food items for the fridge. The box is a bit full so it needs a sort out, and a tidy up. Folding the bags properly rather than just stuffing them in.

I have lots of bags from inside cereal boxes, the plastic is very strong, too good to throw away. There must be a use for them

I have an idea. Open them out along the seams. Don't need to cut them they come apart quite easily.

I need six flat pieces.

Sandwich three pieces between sheets of baking paper, and iron with a hot iron to fuse them together. Do the same with the other three, so you end up with two pieces of very thick plastic sheets.

Next make some handles by cutting one single piece in half and folding over several times, iron these as well.

Next get a sharp knife and a long ruler and cut off the edges to straighten them. You will notice I have added some colour to my bag.

Sew the two sides together inside out, and sew across the bottom corners to give it a flat base. Turn it the right way round.

Then fold over the top twice to make a hem, and fold in the handles as well. Make two rows of stitching around the top to strengthen it so the handles won't fall off. And there you have it. A free shopping bag. It took an hour to make it. Why not have a go.

Before I go, I must tell you, I've had a lovely chat on the phone tonight, with Matt, a blogger friend from new Zealand. No I haven't gone completely bonkers making a long distance phone call, he is here in the UK on holiday. I am really excited because next weekend we are going to meet up for a walk. Tonight he is in North Wales, then heading for the Peak District, and then he'll be staying not far from me. If you want to follow him on his travels check out his blog.
Toodle pip.


  1. You are getting more and more inventive with your bags. Very useful and free.

  2. So so smart! Beautiful bag. Thanks for sharing! Come visit when you can.

  3. You are smarter than smart! Unfortunately I have quite a few bags -- mostly book bags from my teaching days. Lovely walking areas North Wales and the Peak District. By the way, I hope this comment leaves you 'dead chuffed' It's a long while since I've heard that expression. Love it!

  4. Another ingenious idea, keep em coming

  5. Your creativity amazes me! You always put a smile on my face.

  6. Hi, I wanted to make a bag but it had to have a waterproof lining. Now you have given me an idea, just have to eat more cereal. Thanks for sharing your great creativities.

  7. I've been saving those cereal bags too! now I know what to make with them :-D

  8. That bag looks amazing! What an innovative idea! I would never have thought to give those bags a second lease of life!

  9. I've seen you use this technique before I think ? though not for a whole bag, didn't you use it to make decorations for bags you made to sell to raise money for the cats ?
    That bag looks as strong as those 'bags for life' that you get in the supermarkets.

  10. Hi Wean, It was a bag I made for an exhibition at the Arts Centre. I didn't sell it because I wanted to keep it. A canvas bag with a picture of trees and grass and blue sky,and a fence, and mini plastic bags littering the countryside.

    I will do another post on this because it doesn't work with some types of plastic. It has to be the type that melts when it gets hot.

  11. What a great make!
    Some of our charity shops only use donated wrapping, so there may be a charity shop that would take excess carriers off your hands?

  12. Really love this very creative idea! So quirky and individual - I will try and copy this idea to make gift bags for birthday and christmas presents . . . I begrudge paying for those flimsy wine bags that you can only use once.

  13. What a great idea, those cereal bags are so strong anyway so triple thickness would be almost indestructible. I use them for carrying sticks into the house for the fire and even though the sticks are very spiky the bags last ages and ages.

  14. Are there any fumes from the melting plastic? Be careful!


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