Monday, 14 May 2012

The weeds are growing well

With all the rain we have been having, the weeds are springing up everywhere. It's difficult to keep on top of the job, no sooner I have cleared some away, then they come back again. I don't mind a few weeds as it gives the frogs somewhere to hide, but the downside is it also gives the slugs and snails a hiding place as well. I'm not a fan of perfect gardens anyway, some of them are quite boring. A little bit of mess here and there makes it more interesting.

I tidied this bit up today, it's right outside my dining room window. I've tried the trick of pouring a kettle of boiling water on them, they shrivel up and die, but then they come back again. And I'm not going to spend my money on some nasty chemicals.

So there is only one thing for it, get down on my hands and knees and scrape the beggars up with a sharp knife. This is the equipment I used to do the job. One kneeling mat which is a a piece of foam I kept from an arm chair I disposed of. A sharp knife, small brush and dustpan, and a small bucket to collect the debris and transfer it to the bin.

And there you go, a neat and tidy corner in the garden.

Goodness knows how long it will take me to clear this away from the side of the house. It really could do with resurfacing, but I can't afford it, so it looks like I shall be on my knees for quite some time. Shall I say a prayer for you while I'm down there, ha ha.

I've been to Tesco tonight, stocked up on a few things I was running out of, and managed to get quite a lot of reduced items. Two cauliflowers for 20p each. Three bags of brocolli florets for 25p each. Punnet of nectarines for 42p. Little gem lettuce for 22p. And guess what, just as I am finishing that humungus bag of carrots which I bought from a roadside seller for £1.50 on the 21st February, tonight I couldn't resist buying a 2 kg bag, reduced to 23p. More flippin carrots to eat, ha ha. I won't put the whole shopping list here and bore you to death.

Anyway, bed time. Good night.


  1. Your patio looks great - nothing looks worse than weeds between the pavers IMHO. Have you tried white vinegar on them early in the season, not too expensive and a whole lot better for the environ.
    I try to weed for about 25 minutes every day usually after breakfast - keeps it down and I can make a tour of my gardens and see what is going on.
    I take a plastic grocery bag with me and tip everything on the compost at the end(weed seeds and all) Have you thought about putting gravel down the side of your house - if you could get the concrete removed first - I have done this - it is like a dry river bed and I planted some ferns etc. looks nice and did nt cost nearly as much as other solutions.

  2. Great job on the patio Ilona, I use salt to kill off weeds. Just put a teaspoonful onto the centre of the weed and if it doesn't rain (!) within a few days water lightly, it'll kill them all off within a few days. Nice and cheap and natural, might even help with those dreaded slugs ;o)
    Rose H

  3. I use plain old white vinegar. Might take a couple times of doing it but it will kill off the plant. Don't get any on your plants you want to keep. I just pour it straight out of the jug.

  4. Carrots are so good for you, and they last ages so great deal on sale. You could always freeze them for stews if you can't take any more right now.

  5. White vinegar was going to be my suggestion, also. You could pray the weeds don't come back.

  6. Weeds are just Nature's way of saying "I remember when I was a meadow".
    Jane x
    PS You could always make wine from dandelions.

  7. Great work on the patio, looks lovely

  8. top patio, looking good :)

  9. FrugalFishFinger100115 May 2012 at 06:38

    Ilona - it would be great if you could put the lit from your shopping down. Find it so amazing to look at. Thanks

  10. The weeds make free compost! Don't throw that free vitality in the bin!
    Last minute shops can be good- I bought a bag of limes and one of lemons for 35p each...and made lime and lemon cordial, better than shop bought and only sugar to preserve it and lime zest for colour

  11. As Rose H UK said above ... salt works ... clear between the concrete then fill it with table salt ... they are very unlikely to grow back ... it has worked perfectly for me.

    Anne in Cambridge

  12. If you know anyone with chickens, they love the weeds. I take my weedings along to my mate for her hens. Especially the dandelion roots if you can get them out!

  13. I have our whole driveway to weed, so I understand what your are facing! I won't use the chemicals either. It has finally rained, so it should come out easier....
    I bought two VERY large bags of carrots and the woman said "oh, you must LOVE carrots!". I replied, "Actually, I don't, but my horses do!". I got quite a look! So someone probably thinks you have horses when they see the carrots...

  14. Hi Ilona I too use salt to kill weeds, I have done this for years and it always works for me. Just get a cheap basic bag of salt from the supermarket and put in a plastic drinks bottle make a hole in the top and screw back on. This way you can just squeeze the bottle and the salt just goes on the weed and not on any other plants. It works it way right down to the roots. Kind regards Jean

  15. As everyone has been saying. The addition of salt keeps them from re-growing.

  16. I use a strimmer to weed between slabs - if you angle it just right it not only cuts but cleans right between the slabs. Perhaps a wanted ad on freecycle/freegle will get you one for free and be a useful bit of recycling?

  17. You did a great job clearing the corner of the garden. In reading the comments I learned something too. I always have salt and vinegar on hand so will be trying this very soon.

  18. Eventually, salt will render your soil barren.

  19. Hello! I'm going to try both the salt and the white vinegar too. Hope they work -- I have a lot of weeds

    Does cider vinegar work???

  20. I am sure I put in a post here re Super Scrimpers showing pouring salt on weeds and then boiling water. I did it on some mares tails and they died but not sure if it killed the roots. Anyone know? Maybe I wasn't logged onto google when I sent it.


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