Sunday, 22 July 2012


Oh dear, no time to post yesterday, things was a bit busy. Sometimes I have nowt to do, then I have loads, I have to spread myself around a bit. Some people get big chunks others get little chunks. That's how it goes.

Someone is coming to collect a wardrobe which I am giving away, so that had to be dug out of a corner in the spare room. After emptying it I now find I have some junk to get rid of, so that will be another trip to the dump sometime this week. Why do I keep so much polystyrene and cardboard packaging. It seems a good idea at the time, I might have a flash of inspiration and make something usefull out of it, but if it is still hanging around years later I might as well chuck it.

More research on the internet for the trip. I've found a bed in a farmhouse B & B for the Tuesday night, just where I want to be. After having tea and scones with a lovely blogger friend near Oxford, my B & B will be just great for my visit to Blenheim the next day. Also it looks like I might be meeting another blogger friend down in Portsmouth, so if you are reading this, I will email you when I know the times I have free, and hope you will be free as well. It's turning out to be a real bloggy holiday, that's three I am meeting so far, any more?

The phone was hot yesterday, we've had two requests for cats and kittens, so me and Janet spent a bit of time on google maps, checking them out. Me and Sue are off to do a home check this morning as we are not quite sure if it is a suitable location. I think we'll also take a look at the second place as well while we are out.

Must dash, got things to do. Back later. Toodle pip.


  1. How lovely that you are meeting blogging pals and seeing Blenheim Palace. That is definitely on my list of places to visit.

    Sft x

  2. I hope your holiday is a completely relaxing time for you Ilona. Thank you for joining my blog.

  3. It's always nice to meet a fellow blogger in person.

    Enjoy your trip.

    Gill in Canada

  4. I used to live nr Portsmouth...some very pretty places round that way...enjoy it!
    Jane x

  5. I was just reading some of your older posts and enjoyed the theme songs from the old movies and shows. I remembered them all (except for a couple of the English ones.) When I was young, a bunch of us used to go to the movies on Saturdays. For very cheap you got previews, news, cartoons and two movies. We would go to the Chinese laundry for chow mein sandwiches to take in. The people had a big pot of chow mein going in the back room. Two sandwiches were $.10. They used white bread, put the chow mein on and then slapped on some noodles. They were delicious. Then we'd settle down to watch Hopalong Cassidy, or whoever was on that Sat. How times have changed! Snacks cost a fortune, and you get one movie with previews.

  6. It is all sounding rather exciting Ilona.


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