Thursday 7 November 2013

The RED bag

I've been fiddling about with the colour, I know it looks a bit pink, but I can guarantee that this bag is RED. Yes, I made another bag. First of all I cut out the pieces needed, then I scrubbed them in hot soapy water in the sink and hung them out to dry. I made it as I explained in a previous post. 
Before I stitched it together I put the logo on the front. I am not clever sewing round corners with a machine, and I think this hand sewing looks more attractive on this RED bag. I used contrasting bright green thread. 
The machine stuggled to go through several thicknesses when I added the handles and hemmed the top. Had to resort to hand stitching on this RED bag.

The total logo on this RED bag. The deliberate misspelling, the backwards letter 'E', and the dropped letter 'A',   appeals to my sense of humour.

 A brilliantly strong RED bag, will carry heavy stuff, and will probably last for ever, and it's RED.

Oooops, a mistake, missing stitching on the letter 'M', should I rectify that, or should I leave it? It is a RED home made after all, maybe I should leave it as it is.

I'm not sure if I will make another one because the fabric is difficult to put through a normal home sewing machine. Mind you, I do know where I can use an industrial machine, might try that. Or I might think of another idea for the remainder of the fabric.

Shopping went well last night. I spent just over £30 so I was able to use the £4 off voucher. Got quite a few yellow stickers, bags of salad leaves for 10p, yogurts for 9p, 10p, and 15p. Bread rolls for 15p and 30p. I even bought a four pack of Tetleys Bitter for £1.50. I prefer cider, but hey ho, I'll have the bitter for a change, and because it's cheap at 38p a can.

I noticed that the large tubs of Value plain yogurt have gone back down to 45p, from 59p. They seem to put prices up and down faster than a yoyo. For a change I bought a box of Kenco Latte coffee, eight sachets in the box, on special offer for £1.24. Wouldn't normally buy this because I like the bog standard Nescafe. Another thing I am trying is frozen fruit, it seems cheaper than buying it fresh, something I can't afford any more. So, I have Fruit salad for 88p, cherries £1.50, and raspberries £1.50, and blueberries £1.50. I am thinking I will make smoothies with it.

Bit disappointed that there wasn't any veg reduced so had to pay 89p for carrots, 63p for onions, and I got a £1 bag of spinach for 75p, had a 25p off voucher for that. I will put the list on the page above, when I have a minute. Got to go out this afternoon, catch you tomorrow.
Toodle pip


  1. OMG i L O V E that bag, its turned out wonderful..well done you xx

  2. that is just brilliant putting the wrong spelling on the front, very quirky, I love it.

  3. Those bags you've created are fab!

  4. love the bag, is it supposed to be made though?

    1. Lol. LOVE the bag! My hessian shoppers are finally coming apart (had them years) so you have inspired me to make some new ones. Debbie

  5. What a great RED bag! You're fortunate the ordinary sewing machine went through that plastic: I've tried that in sewing my own tent once and it wasn't easy. I miss the UK food prices: I'm amazed that you can still get food that cheap there. I used to eat like royalty in the good old days.

    1. Hi Reifyn. It isn't plastic, it's fabric with a rubber lining. I don't think I could manage a tent.

  6. Could you make a sort of cape for your walking expeditions? it should roll up quite nicely, and be very noticeable - being RED.

    1. Hi, Not enough fabric for that, and it would be too heavy. Good idea though.

  7. Yes, the yellow stickers are getting harder to find.

    1. I was probably a bit late and missed some of the stickers.

  8. I bet yore thingers r num wiv all vat sohing. Yule eezly find that WED bag - ittle stand owt a miyl. Grate job!
    Luv from Mub

  9. Another brilliant job, Ilona. Love the intentional and unintentional errors. I'd leave the stitching on the M as is.

    You're set to add the Queen of Bag to your titles!

  10. Well done on the bag, funny letters and all! But, Ilona...what color is it? ;)

  11. first would like to say hi to everyone, I have been reading your blog for some time now and enjoy reading about your walks, art, and crafty ways. Also enjoy your food blogs and thrifty ways. Keep up the good work

  12. At first glance i thought i saw a superhero's outfit on your washing line. Then i realized it was a bag in kit form and the finished article is great.

  13. Hi Ilona
    I received the parcel you sent yesterday. It was a lovely surprise. Thank you so much. I can't wait to sew it up. I am leaving for Florida on Saturday so won't have time to sew for a few weeks. Florida is where many Canadians spend their winters. We are called snowbirds. It is very cold where we live so we look forward to the warmer climate for a few months. We spent our whole married life saving our money so we could make our dream come true. So away we go.
    I will send you a picture when I have sewn up the bag.


  14. great bag!
    wondering if this stuff with the rubber turned out would make a good floor mat?
    sounds like some great food deals, maybe you will find the veggies on your next trip!

  15. Ilona, I thought you might enjoy seeing these creations from recycled plastic bags!

  16. Hi Ilona. I love you blog you have such lovely ideas! A couple of years ago I cut up an nylon old tent. So far I have made a long thin bag to cover my garden umbrella to keep it clean and dry when not in use. Same shape long thin bags for keeping birthday and Christmas paper rolls in. I just hang them up in the loft. A couple of kneeling mats for the garden stuffed with old rags and stuffed with a old hot water bottle to keep the shape. Some small bags for the grand children's jigsaw and blocks also. Still a bit left I will make one of your shopping bags. Thank you for your inspiration from Joanbarbara xx

  17. Nice bag... you have beautiful hand stitching. You seem to have found a few bargains. Now how long will these groceries last for you? I always like to compare people's thrifty shopping to my own. I suppose L30 is about $45 in the US?


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