Monday 30 December 2013

Amazing technicolour curtain

Eeee by gum, it's been a reet rough day today, the wind is back with a vengeance. They say it's going to be stormy for another month and to expect more flooding. Oh dear, batten down the hatches.
You might remember I had started some patchwork, four blocks, each one 24 inches square. I had it in mind to make a throw for the sofa, but decided I didn't need one, so instead I have turned it into a curtain.
I didn't need to add a border. I backed it with a piece of the duvet cover, the same pale pink fabric as I used for the bed quilt. I sewed them together with the machine, right sides facing, leaving one end open to turn it inside out. Then closed the open end, and added some curtain tape which I unpicked from some old curtains that I am never going to hang again. Then I did some machine stitching in some of the ditches to hold the two sides together. It fits the small window next to the back door, at the bottom of the stairs, and looks quite cheerful. Mayze has found her way behind it as she likes to sit in that windowsill and watch what's going on in the garden.  

I've been giving some thought to my new year resolutions, there won't be many because I am pretty content with things as they are. My 2014 calendar is on the wall. I use this more like a mini diary than a calendar to remind myself of things I have got coming up. I fill the squares in day by day of what I have done, rather than what I am going to be doing. This approach makes me get off my backside and do things, and not sit around wasting time. I want 2014 to be a busy year, and aim to have no empty squares at the end of it. My calendar for 2013 is full, so I can see at a glance what I have been doing. I am sure I can be even busier next year if I try harder. I will be 65 in May, eeeek, chuffin heck, retired almost five years already, time whizzes by, still a lot to do before I die.

It goes without saying that I will continue to look after my health as best as I can. Work to stay fit, eat as healthily as I can on a small income, and learn new things to keep my brain active.

I am going to start a new 'ideas' book. A place where I write down thoughts that come into my head. It will be ideas for craft work, art work, blogging, and places to visit. Often I get a good idea but then my mind wanders and I forget what it was. If I jot the ideas down I will have a list of things I plan to do, to keep me busy when I have finished one project and move onto the next one.

I'm sure there ought to be more resolutions, if I think of any I'll let you know. Happy planning for your 2014, make it a good one. Toodle pip.


  1. Joseph called...he wants his coat back!
    Just kidding..that's a great curtain!
    Jane x

  2. I think an ideas book is a great idea in itself! You have certainly given me many great ideas over the year, and my life is always a bit better when I follow your sound advice x

  3. I think an ideas book is a good idea in itself, I'm going to do the same thing. You have given me many good ideas over the year, and my life is always a bit better when I follow your sound advice x

  4. That's a great curtain, very vibrant :)
    Hope you have a great 2014.

  5. You know I love a bit of patchwork and that's no exception! Happy New Year! xxx

  6. Stunning, gorgeous and lovely. You are so talented.

  7. By 'eck it were a bit breezy at 4.30 this morning as i was on my way back to Lancashire with a load of frozen yorkshire puddings.

  8. Love your curtain; your home must be so bright and cheerful filled with all your handmade items. I also love your way of recording what you've done each day on your calender, and the ideas book. Just like you I have good ideas but they disappear if I don't write them down so I'll be copying that one.

  9. I just wanted to say thank you.
    I have spent the last two days reading all your posts. I have only just discovered your blog. You are truly inspirational !
    Due to a change in personal circumstances 2014 was looking pretty doom and gloom. I'm feeling positive about the coming months ahead and its challenges X

  10. I just wanted to say Thank You !
    You are truly an inspirational woman.
    I have just spent the last two days reading all your posts, having just discovered your blog.
    I am feeling much more positive about entering into 2014 and the challenges head.
    Best Wishes for 2014 X

  11. Lovely curtains, nice colours. I made some patchwork curtains but colours not so nice as yours. I've not lined them yet as I've not decided if they're nice enough to use.

  12. Love the curtain, so cheery to look at something so colourful especially when everything is so grey outdoors at the moment. I always carry a notebook with me as ideas always pop into my mind from nowhere.

    What is your next project?

    Linda xx

  13. Great curtain ilona and as cheap as chips my kinda decoration.

  14. Amazing curtain. Wishing you a fabulous 2014 x x

  15. Beautiful curtains I love them. Did you know there is a range of sofas and chairs with that kind of patchwork design, love it. Happy new year. Ginny

  16. Hi Ilona

    Love that curtain, it's really bright!

    Happy New Year to you and continued good health


  17. What a great idea to turn the patchwork into a you can admire it every time you go up or down the stairs.
    Happy New Year to you Ilona!!

    1. Love, love it. You've got the patchwork bug Ilona. I had it bad once, don't worry its not unpleasant. I made a long patchwork dressing gown and lined it with a sheet when we were really hard up, also made patchwork skirts, cushions, bedspreads etc, all from jumble sale cotton clothes that I cut up. Times were hard but do you know I enjoyed those years.
      Thankyou for your interesting posts throughout 2013 and I wish you lots of good health and contentment in 2014.

  18. Well you knew I would love your curtain!
    Happy New Year Ilona, I look forward to reading about your antics in 2014 xx

  19. What a gr8 year 2013 been for you in terms of productivity, the curtain creation is brilliant, love them in my home!

    Happy 2014 Ilona!


  20. Great curtain - very colourful. Best wishes to you and yours for the coming year and here's to having a full calendar and a book bursting with ideas.
    Love from Mum

  21. Really love your patchwork curtain, it looks so cheerful and warm. Wishing you all the very best for 2014.

  22. Will you be posting your "new ideas" book online? I sure hope so!
    Nancy from Northern California

  23. Best wishes for 2014! I like your calendar/diary idea; I am going to give that a try. Haven't commented here before but I do so enjoy reading your blog. Cheers from Canada.

  24. Love the ideas book. Think I will pinch this one as I forget my quilting ideas or put them on scraps of paper them loose them. Thanks for your inspiring blog

  25. lovely curtain, couldn't buy that in the shops and as you say, very cheering. Happy New Year to you Ilona, hope it's a frugal one!!!

  26. I love scrappy patchwork and is there anything cheerier in the midst of grey, cold winter?

  27. I Love your curtain. !! Obviously tempted to make Patchwork curtains for my bedroom x


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